
Adds a new command to WP-CLI so you can treat your DB like a save point in a video game.

Primary LanguagePHP

wp-cli db-checkpoint

WP-CLI command for quick db snapshots. Currently supported commands:

  • wp dbsnap -- Create a db snapshot.
  • wp dbsnapback -- Restore a db snapshot.
  • wp dbsnap test -- Create a db snapshot of a specific name.
  • wp dbsnapback test -- Restore a db snapshot of specific name.

Why doesn't this do x?

Because I haven't built it yet. I'm filling in commands as I need them, which means that they are largely developer-focused. I'll fill in more commands as I need them. Pull requests will be enthusiastically received.

System Requirements

  • PHP >=5.3


  • Install wp-cli
  • Install this package with this command: wp package install binarygary/db-checkpoint
  • Inside of a WP installation, type wp. You should see a list of available commands.



  • Adds flag --dev which prompts.


  • Adds flag --dumplog which removes the debug.log file.


  • Added a method to install the helper plugin.
  • Helper plugin adds a restore option to the admin bar.


  • Initial release