An initial study of topical poetry segmentation

Analysis of linear segmentations of the poem Kubla Kahn (Coleridge 1816) collected from Mechanical Turk collected in Fournier (2013).


Coleridge (1816) Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 1816. Christabel, Kubla Khan, and the Pains of Sleep. John Murray.

Fournier (2013) An initial study of topical poetry segmentation. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature, pp. 47-51. Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA.

        title           = {{Christabel, Kubla Khan, and the Pains of Sleep}},
        author          = {Coleridge, Samuel Taylor},
        year            = {1816},
        publisher       = {John Murray}

        author    = {Fournier, Chris},
        title     = {{An initial study of topical poetry segmentation}},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature},
        month     = {June},
        year      = {2013},
        address   = {Atlanta, Georgia},
        publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
        pages     = {47--51},
        url       = {}