Navigating a Data Warehouse via CLI

This repository contains a talk (and its accompanying code) that I gave at Pycon Canada 2017, Montréal, QC, Canada.

Abstract: At Shopify we have over 3000 Python batch ETL jobs in our data warehouse arranged in a directed graph producing data between them. Navigating this graph to assess the impact of bugs is challenging. To solve this, we’ve made Python CLI tools that combined with other Unix tools help us reason about these jobs.


The slides [PDF] are written in HTML using the remark js framework with graphs created using mermaid js and code highlighting using highlight.js.

You might ask, "why are some of the slides blank?" That's because I gave a live-demo of some scripts (provided in this repo) during those slides. You can see what I ran by reading the speakers notes in the HTML version of the slides. When the video of the talk is posted I'll add a link to it here.


Requires Python 3.6 and either Linux/OSX.

Clone this repository and go into the directory:

git clone
cd navigating_a_warehouse_via_cli

Start your virtualenv (e.g. using pipenv by running pipenv --python 3.6 followed by pipenv shell) and then install dependencies using:

make install

Run tests using:

make test
make lint

Play with scripts using:

cd scripts