
New Terrain Tools and Brushes for the Unity Terrain system.

Included Tools

  • Create Neighbor Terrain
  • Raise/Lower Terrain Height
  • Paint Texture
  • Set Height
  • Smooth Height
  • Clone Stamp
  • Mesh Stamp
  • Bridge
  • Erosion
    • Erode Height
    • Terrace Erosion
  • Twist
  • Sharpen Height
  • Slope Flatten Height
  • Smudge Height


  1. Clone this repository somewhere to disk
  2. Open your Unity project (2018.3 or later)
  3. Edit your project's manifest.json file and add this to the list of dependecies:
    • "com.unity.terrain-brushes": "file:C:/path/to/the/repo/com.unity.terrain-brushes"
  4. Return to the Unity Editor and wait for the package to compile
  5. The Terrain Tools and Brushes should now be available for use in your project