
Content, Code & Resources for WWCodePython Events

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Women Who Code Python Technical Track.


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ML Mondays study group.  ML Mondays

Join us alternating Mondays for a wholesome & healthy dose of ML 🌟. -- Starting off with a whirlwind review of Python & then diving into foundational libraries.

We'll also be discussing the ideas behind ML and covering a little ✨math & statistics✨🎉. As we journey further along, we'll collaborate & help one another with projects & other fun 🔥 stuff.

- By Yashika Sharma
PySpark Part I.   PySpark Part II. 
ETL Made Simple with PySpark (parts I & II)

Apache Spark is currently one of the most popular systems for large-scale data processing - making it a standard for any developer or data scientist interested in big data. Spark supports multiple widely used programming languages(Scala, Python, R, Java) and a wealth of built-in and third-party libraries.

In Session I you will be introduced to Apache Spark main concepts & you'll learn how to leverage the DataFrame API to extract data. You will also learn how to connect to different sources, apply schemas when reading data, and handle corrupt records.

In session II you will be introduced to some of the most useful transformations - adding new columns, casting column types, renaming columns, etc. You'll also learn how to define User Defined Functions to do your own custom transformations & a get a little introduction to executing your own ad hoc SQL!

PART I: Open In Colab

PART II: Open In Colab

- By Aida Martinez
Diagnosing lungh conditions with Pthon and CNNs  
A Walk-throug of Respiratory Buddy

A Web Application helping Doctors & medical personnel detect & diagnose Respiratory/Lung Diseases using CXR (X-Ray data) images.

A Strictly Medical Machine-Learning based solution with a special implementation of a CNN (convolutional neural network).

- by Vishwa Mehta

Getting Started with Numpy  
Getting Started with Numpy

Python, data, matrices, transformations & all things Numpy! Join Yashika as she covers the basics of this powerful & essential Data Science library that underpins Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, & many many others.

- by Yashika Sharma

Emoji Predictor with Macine Learning  
✨Emoji Predictor with Machine Learning✨

Let me show you how to use SciKit to do an Emoji 😆 😮 😁 Predictor with a little Machine Learning & Python. 🌈 Learn a few ML & NLP (Natural Language Processing) core concepts ........We do it because we can.:star:

- by Alex Gamez, Software Engineer @ Lockheed Martin Aeronautics 🚀

Data Manipulation with Pandas.  
Data Manipulation with Python Pandas.

Come study all the delightful data and play with Pandas!
Increase your Python data manipulation skills for fun and profit.

- By Liliana Torres

Titanic Machine Learning webinar 7/30/2019

Do you want to rank in the top 10% in a Kaggle Competition? Explore the Titanic Dataset & get a taste of Exploratory Analysis & Machine Learning Prediction with Python.

- By Kunal Lalwani

Titanic Icon by Anbileru Adaleru, from The Noun Project. thenounproject.com

internationalization in Django. 
Taller Internacionalización con Django 7/24/2019

Aprende los conceptos relacionados con la internacionalización de aplicaciones web con ejemplo traducción del contenido estatico y dinamico de un sitio web.

- Por Isabel Cristina Ruiz Buritica
Using Jupyter, Pandas, and Matplotlib from PyCon 2019 
Using Jupyter, Pandas & Matplotlib: PyCon 2019 (re-broadcast 7/02/2019)

Using Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, and Matplotlib to create a framework for teaching data science in a scientific context. Download the presentation and resources here.

- By Gabrielle Rabinowitz
automate the boring stuff with python study group.  Automate Boring Stuff

Automate the Boring Stuff With Python:   A friendly forum where we can ask questions, provide feedback & help each other with our coding journey. Explore our code & notes for each chapter here!

- By Jamila Evilsizor
beginner nights project walk-throughs.  Python Project Nights

Explore beginner projects with code samples & warm-up exercises.

- By Bethany Garcia