
Laravel Nova field for managing the Spatie media library

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Medialibrary Field for Laravel Nova

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Laravel Nova field for managing the Spatie media library.

With this package you can:

  • create, update, delete and sort your media files
  • update media attributes (filename, custom properties, etc)
  • display media on the index view
  • crop images



index view details view media details modal media update modal media sorting media uploading


  • Laravel Nova >= 1.2.0


This package can be installed via command:

composer require dmitrybubyakin/nova-medialibrary-field

In your NovaServiceProvider register default media resource (only if you don't want to use your own one):

public function boot()



class Post extends Resource
    // ...
    public function fields(Request $request)
        return [
            // ...
            Medialibrary::make('Images'), // it uses default collection

            Medialibrary::make('Images', 'post_images'), // you can use collection which you want

            Medialibrary::make('Images', 'post_images', MyMediaResource::class), // you can use own Media resource

What about forms?

Medialibrary field is shown only on index and details views. If there is any reason to show it on forms, let me know.

Display media on the index view

    ->mediaOnIndex(), // display first media

    ->mediaOnIndex(3), // display first 3 media

    ->mediaOnIndex(function (Collection $mediaItems) {
        return $mediaItems->where('extension', 'jpg'); // filter media

Custom media realation

class Post extends Model implements HasMedia
    public function featuredMedia(): MorphMany
        return $this->media()->where('collection_name', 'featured');

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')


Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')->croppable(),


Medialibrary::make('Awesome Media', 'awesome_collection')
    ->label($title, $condition, $trueColor = 'var(--success)', $falseColor = 'var(--danger)'),
    ->label('Active', 'custom_properties->active'),
    ->label('Active', 'custom_properties->active', 'var(--success)', null), // visible only when the condition is true
    ->label('Active', 'custom_properties->active', null, 'var(--danger)'), // visible only when the condition is false
    ->label('Size > 1MB', function (Media $media) {
        return $media->size >= 1024 * 1024;


Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->thumbnail(function (Media $media) {
        return 'https://dummyimage.com/300x300/ffffff/000000&text=' . strtoupper($media->extension);

// The default width of a thumbnail is 8 rem.
// The bigThumbnails method makes a singular thumbnail twice  as wide as the default.
Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')

By default, thumbnails are available only for the files with one of the following mime types: [image/jpeg, image/gif', image/png].

This is how you can override the default setting:

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->imageMimes('image', 'mimes', 'that', 'you', 'need')

Thumbnail size

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->thumbnailSize('14rem', '9rem') // width, height
    ->thumbnailSize('10rem') // width = height

Thumbnail title

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->thumbnailTitle('custom_properties->title') // $media->file_name is used by default

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->thumbnailTitle(function (Media $media) {
        return $media->name;

Thumbnail description

You can add a short description below the thumbnail title.

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->thumbnailDescription('custom_properties->description', $limit = 75) // hidden by default

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->thumbnailDescription(function (Media $media) {
        return 'Size: ' . $media->humanReadableSize;

Single media collection

class Post extends Model implements HasMedia
    public function registerMediaCollections()
            ->singleFile(); // just define it here

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured'), // nothing to do here

Store and Replace callbacks

If you want to do someting before media is saved, you can use storeUsing method.

Medialibrary::make('Images', 'post_images')
    ->storeUsing(function (FileAdder $fileAdder, UploadedFile $file) {
        return $fileAdder->withCustomProperties(['description' => $this->resource->title]);

When you are using a single media collection, you can also use replaceUsing method which allows you to access the old media.

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->replaceUsing(function (FileAdder $fileAdder, Media $oldFile, UploadedFile $file) {
        return $fileAdder

Custom download url

You can change URL of the download button.

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->downloadUsing(function (Media $media) {
        return <...>;


Validation works only when you are storing a new file.

Medialibrary::make('Featured Image', 'featured')
    ->rules('max:1024', 'image')
    ->accept('image/*') // this is an attribute for input. <input type="file" accept="image/*">


Medialibrary::make('Images', 'post_images')

Custom media resource

class MyMedia extends Resource
    public static $model = 'Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media';

    public static $displayInNavigation = false;

    public function fields(Request $request): array
        return [

            Text::make('Filename', 'file_name'),

            Textarea::make('Description', 'custom_properties->description')->alwaysShow(),

            Text::make('Size')->displayUsing(function () {
                return $this->resource->humanReadableSize;

class Post extends Resource
    public function fields(Request $request)
        return [
            Medialibrary::make('Images', 'collection', MyMedia::class),

Authorization Gates 'view', 'update' and 'delete'

To view, update and delete uploaded media, you need to setup some gates. You can use the store and replace callbacks to store additional information to the custom_properties. The additional information can be used inside the gates for authorization.

Gate::define('view', function ($user, $media) {
    return true; // view granted

Gate::define('update', function ($user, $media) {
    return true; // update granted

Gate::define('delete', function ($user, $media) {
    return true; // deletion granted

You can also use the policy.

class MediaPolicy
    use HandlesAuthorization;

    public function view(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return true;

    public function update(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return true;

    public function delete(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return true;

class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $policies = [
        Media::class => MediaPolicy::class,



Please see the CHANGELOG for more information about the most recent changed.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.