
hugo-2-stork is an application that generates a stork config file from a hugo static website.

Primary LanguageGo


hugo-2-stork is an application that generates a stork config file from a hugo static website.

Stork search is a library for creating search interfaces on static websites. While HUGO is a framework for creating static websites.

Installing hugo-2-stork:

$GOBIN=/bin go install github.com/cfreeman/hugo-2-stork@latest
$hugo-2-stork --src=content/posts --url=https://myweb.com
$stork build --input stork.toml --output index.st


  • Support multiple source folders.
  • Need to make sure the YAML frontmatter block is indexed.
  • More testing of output.
  • ability to configure URL stem.
  • ability to configure destination of output stork file.