
ZeroSlope is a lean microservice architecture using .NET 6 with Minimal Api. With support for Jwt Auth, Global Error Handling, Structured Logging, Dapper, Redis, and much more.

Primary LanguageC#

What is Zero Slope?

ZeroSlope is a .net6 lean micro-service project using MinimalApi with adoption and simplicity in mind. This project is meant to provide a simple and lean architecture using common industry technologies and practices. All dependencies are constructed and stored in a IoC container following the Composition Root pattern. API Documentation is auto-generated using a Swagger front-end.

This implementation focuses on a Sql Server back-end using Dapper.


  • .Net 6
  • Sql Server 2012-2019, Azure Sql PaaS, PostgresSQL
  • Docker (Optional)
  • Redis Cache (Optional)


  • Global Error Handling
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Composition Root IoC
  • Dapper + Contrib Micro-ORM
  • Redis Caching


Coming soon.

Solution Structure

├─── 📁 Documentation
├─── 📁 Infrastructure
│   ├─── #️ ZeroSlope.Composition
│   └─── #️ ZeroSlope.Infrastructure
├─── 📁 Testing
│   ├─── #️ ZeroSlope.Api.Tests
│   └─── #️ ZeroSlope.Domain.Tests
├─── 🗃️ ZeroSlope.Database
│   ├─── 📁 Scripts
│   └─── 📁 Schemas
├─── #️ ZeroSlope.Models
│   └─── 📁 Authentication
│        ├─── 📁 Requests
│        └─── 📁 Responses
├─── #️ ZeroSlope.Domain
│   ├─── 📁 Base
│   ├─── 📁 Entities
│   ├─── 📁 Mappers
│   └─── 📁 Services
└─── #️ ZeroSlope.Api
    ├─── 📁 Middleware
    ├─── 📁 Routes
    ├─── 📄 appsettings.json
    ├─── 📄 Dockerfile
    ├─── 📄 Program.cs
    └─── 📄 Usings.cs

How do I get set up?

  • Windows
    • Open Visual studio, and click the Play button.
  • Unix / MacOSX
    • Open bash in the root of the solution, and use the command dotnet restore and then dotnet run

Sql Server in Docker?

Simply run the following ...

docker run 
	-d --name zeroslope-db 
	--env "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" 
	--env "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=P4ssw0rd!" 
	--env "SA_PASSWORD=P4ssw0rd!" 
	--env "MSSQL_PID=Developer" 
	-p 1401:1433 
	-d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest

Redis in Docker?

Simply run the following ...

docker run 
	-d --name zeroslope-redis 
	-p 6379:6379
	-d redis

How do I deploy?

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Getting Started

Coming soon.


Coming soon.