Function Junction


After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of types, functions, argument-handling, loops, and conditional statements



  1. Fork this repository to your own account.
  2. Change into today's directory: take ~/tiy/week-3/day-1
  3. Clone your repository: hub clone function-junction
  4. Change into your project's directory: cd function-junction
  5. Install the dependencies: yarn or npm install
  6. Open in Atom: atom .
  7. Start test runner: yarn test or npm test
  8. Open src/functions.test.js and work on functions until tests pass.
  9. Commit and push your work to github.

Normal Mode

  • All tests passing
  • No linter warnings
  • Turn in the homework using the URL to your repository on Github.

Adventure Mode

  • If you used "built-in" JavaScript methods like String.reverse() or Array.max() to solve these problems, try implementing them from scratch.
  • Vice-versa: if you implemented your solutions from scratch, look in the documentation linked below to see if JavaScript has any built-in functions to help solve these problems.

Additional Resources

Reference the documentation on MDN to find what kind of helpful functions might already be on Array and String in JavaScript.