
Downgrading via Forgebox has no effect: the latest version is always installed

cfsimplicity opened this issue · 2 comments

This was a problem with the box.json which has now been fixed (for the next release and on Forgebox for current/past releases).

This problem is popping up again. I'm on the latest CommandBox (5.6.1) and I've added the following to my box.json:

"dependencies":{ "F2FA5DB2-0C27-499C-B1171D2D812FDAF9":"2.7.1" }

But it still installs 3.0.7 no matter what I try. I've also cleared my artifacts just to be sure.

Hi. I've tested downgrading the extension via the Lucee Admin UI and it works as expected, so the Github endpoints specified in ForgeBox are correct now.

I'm not a "box" expert, but I think that box.json is for describing packages not servers. So I'm not sure why you would be specifying the extension as a dependency in a box.json file? My guess is that it's having no effect and you are getting the latest version by default.

To specify extensions for your commandbox Lucee server programmatically you probably want to look at the LUCEE_EXTENSIONS environment variable. I've also used which lets you specify them in your server.json.