This extension installs the MariaDB Connector/J for creating MariaDB data sources in Lucee. It is an alternative to the generic MySQL driver.
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MariaDB Connector/J 3.3.0 & 3.2.0 Released
#11 opened by Conrad-T-Pino - 2
Downgrading via Forgebox has no effect: the latest version is always installed
#6 opened by cfsimplicity - 12
Getting strings being returned as an objects
#5 opened by andyj - 7
Update to MariaDB Connector/J 2.7.4 ?
#4 opened by knubew - 20
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Upgrading to 2.7.2 results in "Unable to resolve org.mariadb.jdbc" exception
#3 opened by cfsimplicity - 13