
Use rdfind + fzf to find and remove duplicate files

Primary LanguageShell


Using rdfind to find duplicates in the current directory, use fzf to select files for deletion.


  • Install rdfind (brew install rdfind)
  • Install fzf (brew install fzf)


Copy fzf-rdfind to a directory that is part of your PATH. I use ~/bin/ and put this in my ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

Then you can run fzf-rdfind from any directory you'd like to find and mark duplicates for deletion. When the file list appears, you can press ENTER on any line to delete that single file, or, you can press SHIFT+TAB to add that file to a list of files you want to delete. To add more files to that list, simply find another file in the list, and press SHIFT+TAB again. Once done, press ENTER and the selected list of files will be passed to rm for deletion.