
A simple Terraform template to build a Parsec Server

Primary LanguageHCL


A simple Terraform template to build a Parsec Server inside a VPC in AWS.

The user_data isn't quite delivering the authtoken correctly at this time, you may have to insert the file yourself.

Only tested on OSX.

How to use this

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Install Terraform.
  3. Create a ~/.tfvars file that looks like the template below with your vars substituted.
  4. Run terraform plan -var-file=~/.tfvars in the root of the repo to check that Terraform can and will build what you want it to.
  5. Run terraform apply -var-file=~/.tfvars to build your server.
  6. Run terraform destroy -var-file=~/.tfvars to clean up when you're done.


parsec_authcode = "YOUR_PARSEC_AUTHCODE"
aws_access_key = "YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
aws_region = "YOUR_AWS_REGION"
aws_vpc = "YOUR_AWS_VPC"
aws_subnet = "YOUR_AWS_SUBNET"