
Copy of Salesforce Auth. Provider / Named Credentials implementation for use with the Azure client_credentials OAuth flow.

Primary LanguageApex

Salesforce Azure client_credentials Auth. Provider / Named Credentials

The client_credentials flow is an OAuth flow where an access_token is obtained from a client_id and client_secret without the need to a user to authorize the exchange. This flow is typically used for server to server integrations.

This project is an implementation of the Azure client_credentials OAuth flow for Salesforce using the Auth.AuthProvider interface (technically we extend the Auth.AuthProviderPluginClass class). Since the Auth. Providers in Salesforce usually deals with a user behind the keyboard it was designed for a access_token / refresh_token World. This implementation plays along and just requests a new access_token using the client_credentials flow whenever the access_token expires hence do not need a user behind the keyboard.

Once we have the Auth. Provider in place we can use the Salesforce Named Credentials approach where that is supported i.e. from Apex. Salesforce Named Credentials will transparently obtain and maintain a valid access_token when making requests from Salesforce to Azure (i.e. the Graph API) in places where Named Credentials may be used i.e. from Apex.

Video walkthru

Youtube video walkthru

What's in the box

This project contains the following:

  1. Apex class for the Auth. Provider.
  2. Remote Site Settings to allow communication with https://login.microsoftonline.com for the token endpoint and for https://graph.microsoft.com to communicate with the Microsoft Graph API. If you need access to other parts of Azure you need to add these as required.
  3. A Custom Metadata Type for configuration of the Auth. Provider. The custom metadata type contains the client_id, client_secret, tenant_id, callback_url and scopes as required.

What's NOT in the box

  1. An actual Auth. Provider record. Create one using Salesforce Setup or use the metadata template in the metadataTemplates directory.
  2. A Named Credential record for the AuthProvider. Create one using Salesforce Setup or use the metadata template in the metadataTemplates directory.

Azure setup

To use the code in this project you need to create an App Registration in Azure Active Directory (AAD) and add client secrets to the application. Ensure you add the required Application Permissions to the App Registration and grant admin consent for the tenant. Ensure you also add the fully qualified domain name of the Salesforce callback URL to the app registration to the section Authentication -> Web ->Redirect URI's.

The example in this README is for using the Microsoft Graph API.

Salesforce setup

  1. Deploy the source i.e. using Salesforce CLI (sfdx force:source:deploy)
  2. Create an Auth. Provider in Setup of type Microsoft_Azure_ClientCredentials
  3. Create a Named Credential using the "Named Principal" Identity Type, select "OAuth 2.0" for the Authentication Protocol and select the Auth. Provider you created above. On save you should see your browser go through the OAuth flow with Azure and you should see "Authenticated as Azure Dummy User". This username is hardcoded in the Azure_ClientCredentials_AuthProvider.cls Apex class - feel free to change if required.

Deployment to Salesforce

$ sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json --targetdevhubusername scratchorgdemo-devhub -a azureclientcreds

$ sfdx force:source:deploy -u azureclientcreds -m ApexClass,CustomObject,RemoteSiteSetting

$ sfdx force:org:open -u azureclientcreds


The Auth. Provider may be used where ever Named Credentials can be used. Below is an example of using the Named Credential (here named "Microsoft_Graph") to get information about a user with the username foo@dummy.onmicrosoft.com. This is also in the file scripts/apex/apex_namedcredentials_example.apex.

final HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
req.setHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
final String body = new Http().send(req).getBody();
final Map<String,Object> data = (Map<String,Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(body);
System.debug('Users name is: ' + data.get('displayName'));

Running Tests

Once you have deployed the source to the org you can run the unit test and get the coverage using the Salesforce CLI.

sfdx force:apex:test:run -n Azure_ClientCredentials_AuthProviderTest -r human -v -c