
Very easy 2d drawing library for python.

Primary LanguageC


The PyShiva project is an experiment in bringing lightning fast high quality 2d graphics to python via the pyshiva module. It aims to provide a simple vector-based API on top of the OpenGL-powered ShivaVG library.


This is how easy it is to write a complete pyShiva program!

# Rose Curves Demo

# Import the python module
import pyshiva as ps
import math, random

# Create a window with the title "Rose Curves"
w = ps.Window(title = "Rose Curves")

all_rects = list()

# Create 1000 squares with different colors
for i in range(1000):
	r = random.random()
	a = abs(math.cos(i))*0.5
	side_length = abs(math.sin(i))*50
	r = ps.Rect(0,0,side_length,side_length,(r,math.sin(i),math.cos(i),a))
	w.add(r) # Add the rectangles to the window...
	all_rects.append(r) # and keep track of them with a list

k = 0.25
while w.is_open():
	t = w.s_since_open()*2 # Use a scaled time since program start as the parametric time value
	radius = abs(math.sin(w.s_since_open()))
	if radius < 0.01: # Every time the curve collapses...
		k = random.random() # Randomize the k value to change the type of the curve
	# Place every rectangle along a rose curve, offset by its index
	for (i,r) in enumerate(all_rects):
		r.x = radius*math.cos(k*(t+i))*math.sin(t+i)*w.width/2+w.width/2
		r.y = radius*math.sin(k*(t+i))*math.sin(t+i)*w.height/2+w.height/2

	# Update the screen


Currently under heavy development.

Full Documentation and Implementation Spec

Read it here. You can edit if if you are a collaborator.

Compiling ShivaVG on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev

cd glfw-2.7.7
make x11

sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev # Required for the examples in ShivaVG
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev # Required for the examples in ShivaVG
sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev libxi-dev
sudo apt-get install g++ # Currently required until the CMake system is improved

cd ..

cd ShivaVG
cmake .

cd ..

cd wrapper

Building the python wrapper on Ubuntu

Without this, you won't be able to run the python demos, make your own projects, or contribute to pyShiva's development.

sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install cython

cd wrapper
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Testing the python wrapper

This demo creates lots of bouncing colored squares.

cd wrapper
python many_objects_test.py