
A simple Tic Tac Toe game using Scala (Swing interface)

Primary LanguageScala



What is this game ?

This is a simple version of the famous "Tic Tac Toe" game. This is a single player game: the player plays with the computer.

This is how the game looks like before the game begins:

Alt text

You can choose to start a new game (with the button "Start") or to quit the game (with the button "quit").

If the computer wins then a message box appears:

Alt text

And if you win, you will see:

Alt text


This is a game developed using Scala. The graphic interface was created using the swing library.

There are two different classes and the principal object:

  • The Square Class,
  • The Field Class,
  • The principal Object TicTacToeG

To-do list:

  • Count the score
  • Better the code (this was my first time using Scala!)
  • Make a better design
  • Create the executable file

Enjoy !