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PALAGRAM Monograph

This repository contains the data used in the research paper:

Gadal C., Schneider J., Bonamy C., Chauchat J., Dossmann Y., Kiesgen de Richter S., Mercier M. J., Naaim-Bouvet F., Rastello M., and Lacaze L. Chapter 16: Particle-laden gravity currents: the lock-release slumping regime at the laboratory scale. Submitted to AGU Monograph.

Repository organization

  └───data: data are stored here
  │   └───input_data: input data as sent by everyone
  │       └─── ... : NETCDF files
  │   └───output_data: processed data output by analysis.py (also contains input_data)
  │       └─── ... : NETCDF files
      └───analysis.py: analysis code, that reads input_data and writes output_data
  └───paper: contains source files for article
  │   └───figures: contains source figures
  │       └─── ... : PDF files
  │       └─── figure_scripts: contains figure scripts that reads data in data/output_data and writes figures in paper/figures
  │            └─── *.py : python scripts for figures
  │   └─── ... : various files (.tex, .bib, ...)
  │   └─── main.pdf : article preprint

Data organization

The CSV file dataset_summary.csv offers a summary of all runs and corresponding experimental parameters, allowing for easier access to the data.

The folder data/output_data contains 287 netcdf4 files corresponding to each experimental run used in the paper. For each run, the structure of the NetCDF file is the following:

  • attributes:

    • particle_type: particle type used (silica sand, glass beads, etc..)
    • label: filename
    • lab: lab where this run has been performed
    • run_oldID: Old filename, corresponding to the experimental notebook
    • author: author(s) that acquired this run
    • setup: setup used to acquire the data. See article.
    • dataset: Dataset classification of this run, See paper.
  • dimensions(sizes): time(n)

  • variables(dimensions):

    • At(): Atwood number
    • Fr(): Froude number (adi. initial current velocity)
    • H0(): initial heavy fluid height inside the lock
    • H_a(): ambient fluid height outside the lock
    • L0(): streamwise lock length
    • L_1(): streamwise tank length after the lock
    • Re(): Reynolds number
    • S(): Settling number
    • St(): Stokes number
    • T_a(): ambient temperature
    • T_f(): heavy fluid temperature inside the lock
    • W0(): crossstream lock width
    • a(): lock aspect ratio
    • alpha(): bottom slope
    • d(): particle diameter
    • gprime(): specific gravity
    • lamb(): adi. attenuation parameter
    • nu_a(): ambient viscosity
    • nu_f(): heavy fluid lock viscosity
    • phi(): initial particle volume fraction inside the lock
    • rho_a(): ambient fluid density
    • rho_c(): heavy fluid mix density inside the lock
    • rho_f():
    • rho_p(): particle density
    • t('time',): time vector
    • t0(): characteristic timescale, t0 = L0/u0
    • u0(): characteristic velocity scale, u0 = sqrt(gprime*H0)
    • vs(): particle Stokes velocity
    • x_front('time',): front position vector

Variables can sometimes possess the following attributes:

  • unit: corresponding unit
  • std: error(s) on the given quantity, calculated by error propagation from measurement uncertainties using the uncertainties module (https://pythonhosted.org/uncertainties/) in Python.
  • comments: comments on the given quantity (definition, formulas, etc ..)

Related works

  • Gadal, C., Mercier, M. J., Rastello, M., & Lacaze, L. (2023). Slumping regime in lock-release turbidity currents. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 974, A4. doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.762

  • Gadal, C., Mercier, M., Rastello, M., & Lacaze, L. (2023). Data used in 'Slumping regime in lock-release turbidity currents' [Data set]. In Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Vol. 974, p. A4). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10058946

  • Schneider, J., Dossmann, Y., Farges, O. et al. Investigation of particle laden gravity currents using the light attenuation technique. Exp Fluids, 64, 23 (2023). doi:10.1007/s00348-022-03562-y

  • Chauchat, J., Cheng, Z., Nagel, T., Bonamy, C., and Hsu, T.-J. (2017) SedFoam-2.0: a 3-D two-phase flow numerical model for sediment transport, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 4367-4392, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-4367-2017 and github