
Examples of NFT minting bots

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NFT Minting Bot

This repo contains two examples on how custom smart contract can be used to mass mint NFTs in a single transaction

Technology Stack & Tools

  • Solidity (writing smart contracts)
  • TypeScript (scripts & testing)
  • HardHat (smart contract developer framework)
  • Ethers.js (blockchain interaction)
  • Alchemy (node provider)
  • OpenZeppelin (secure contract library)

HardHat Plugins


To install the repo and all dependencies run

git clone https://github.com/NME-eth/NFT-Minting-Bot.git
cd NFT-Minting-Bot
npm install

Set up the .env config file. I recommend signing up to Alchemy but any other node provider works.

DOODLES_FORK_BLOCKNUM=13439086 // block number for when doodles start public minting 
ADIDAS_FORK_BLOCKNUM=13439086 // block number for when adidas nfts start public minting 

we will create our test environment by running our own local blockchain which forks from the Mainnet at the blocks specified in our config file

Set up

Running the bot in a local test envrionment


If you find any issues or ways that this methodolgy could be improved create a pull request and it will be merged into the main branch if accepted.

This repo has been created for educational purposes and as a tool for myself and others to learn how to implement various web3 tools to conduct tasks such as writing/deploying/testing/interacting with smart contracts. I do not endorse the usage of bots to gain an unfair advantage over regular onchain users.