
serverless API for public Telegram channel messages

Primary LanguageGo

Telegram Channel API

A JSON API for latest messages of public Telegram channels.

Try it now:


You can use this Web API to get the latest messages, or any one of recent 20 messages, from any public Telegram channel, anonymously.

The official demo is at t-me.vercel.app.

Request: GET /:channel_username/:message_id?

Parameters of request:

  • channel_username (string) : the substring of the channel link after "t.me", e.g. durov is the channel_username of t.me/durov
  • message_id (integer, within [1, 20] for now, optional) : the ordinal number of the message, e.g. 1 for the latest message, 2 for the second-latest message, etc. Default is 1.

For response format, check https://t-me.vercel.app/durov.

Technical details

It's running on Vercel and uses its Go runtime to serve the API.

To deploy your own instance, simplely fork this repository and connect your copy to Vercel.


  • Add support for optional fields
    • photos .tgme_widget_message_photo_wrap
    • sender's name .tgme_widget_message_from_author
    • etc.


Contributions are welcome!

Try these ideas:

  • make progress to the to-do list above
  • deploy to a new platform
  • propose/add a new feature
  • find/fix a bug
  • improve the performance