
Galaxy admin trainings for aspiring Skywalkers

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GCCBOSC2018 - Intro to Galaxy Administration

Portland, OR; Monday, 25th of June, 2018; 9:00 to 18:00

Link to session: Morning | Noon | Afternoon

Built slides have an index.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/dagobah-training/Lobby


PAB 320 Performing Arts Building, Reed Campus

Training VM instances

List of training instances is available in this spreadhseet. Please pick one instance, enter your name in the user column and then copy the private ssh key to your machine and clear that cell (that way others won't be able to ssh into your instance and we have to switch focus to intrusion detection).

Recommended instance specs

2 cores, 4 GiB memory, and 20 GiB disk, Ubuntu 16.04

We are using instances from the Jetstream cloud, image ID acb53109-941f-4593-9bf8-4a53cb9e0739.


Timetable with sessions and material will be continuously updated towards the workshop.


Setting up production Galaxy

Time Topic Links Instructor
09:00 Welcome and introduction Slides (Č)
09:15 Deployment and platform options Slides (Č)
9:30 Using Ansible to deploy Galaxy Slides, Exercise (E)(G)
10:40 Extending installation Slides, Exercise (G)
11:00 Defining and importing genomes, Data Managers Slides, Exercise (E)
11:30 Close Morning Session


All about Galaxy tools

Time Topic Links Instructor
12:30 Web Servers nginx/Apache Slides (M)(N)
12:45 Writing tools with Planemo Tutorial (J)
13:30 Galaxy Tools and Tool Shed Slides (Shed), Slides (Tools) (M)(Č)
14:30 Updating tools and supporting multiple versions of tools Exercise (M)(N)
14:45 Running tools in containers (J)(N)
15:00 Close Noon Session


Galaxy jobs, clusters, infrastructure, and maintenance

Time Topic Links Instructor
15:30 Exploring the Galaxy job configuration file Slides (S)
15:50 Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster Slides, Exercise (N)(S)
16:30 Storage management and using heterogeneous storage services Slides, Exercise (N)(C)
16:50 Upgrading to a new Galaxy release Slides (C)
17:10 Galaxy on uWSGI Slides (N)
17:30 When things go wrong: Galaxy Server Troubleshooting Slides (N)(C)(S)
18:00 Close Afternoon Session


  • (N)ate Coraor - Galaxy Project, Penn State University, USA
  • (S)imon Gladman - Melbourne Bioinformatics, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • (M)arius van den Beek - ELIXIR Galaxy WG, Institute Curie, Paris, France
  • (C)arrie Ganote - Indiana University Bloomington, USA
  • Nuwan (G)oonasekera - Melbourne Bioinformatics, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • (E)nis Afgan - Galaxy Project, Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • (J)ohn Chilton - Galaxy Project, Penn State University, USA
  • Martin (Č)ech - Galaxy Project, Penn State University, USA