Pointsable is a rails engine that allows you to easily add, save, and edit reference points on an image. It uses html5 canvas with kinetic.js.
Base Features *add and delete as many points to an image as you want *supports multiple pointsable canvases in the same page *numbered point labels
To use in your application
Run the pointsable generator. This will create a db table that tracks all your points. rails generate pointsable::install
Make a model pointsable by adding “pointsable” in the model class. Example class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_poinstable url_method: <url_method>
To show your image on a page with points (assuming your image has points) add: <%= pointsable_show(@image, viewport_width) %> To add and edit points on your image: <%= forms_for @image do %>
<%= pointsable_form(@image, viewport_width, form_builder: <f>) %>
<% end %>
class PointsableImage ->
members points array of circles, stage or canvas constructor: (something) #build the canvas add_point() remove_point(point_num) best way to pass variables from rails to coffeescript