
A straightforward implementation of a least recently used (LRU) cache using JavaScript's Map 🗺️

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache with Node.js Map 🗺️

A straightforward Least Recently Used (LRU) cache implementation using the native Map object in Node.js. Bundled with Polka HTTP server for easy access.

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/cgatno/least-recently-used.git
cd least-recently-used
npm install
npm start

See the HTTP interface specs below for info on using the cache.


This LRU caching app implements the following functionality:

  • Finite and hold up to a maximum number of elements
  • Supports ‘get,’ ‘put,’ and ‘delete' operations
  • Discards the least recently used elements first
  • Accessible using HTTP

Using the Cache

You can access the cache using any HTTP client (or web browser for GET requests). I recommend Postman or httpie.

See below for a list of app endpoints.

HTTP Interface

By default, the app listens at http://localhost:8080. The port can be overriden using the PORT environment variable. (E.g. PORT=4343 npm start)

Endpoint Request Type Input (application/json) Response Code Response Description
/ GET N/A 200 Friendly, descriptive welcome message 😊
/cache GET N/A 200 JSON array of form [<key>, <value>] for most recently used pair
POST {key: string?, value: string?} 200 JSON array of form [<new key>, <new value>]
500 Add pair error message - stack trace logged to Node console
/cache/{key} GET N/A 200 Plaintext value for the given key
404 Key not found message
DELETE N/A 200 Key deleted message
404 Key not found message
PUT {value: string?} 200 JSON array of form [<key>, <new value>]
500 Key update error message - stack trace logged to Node console

Roadmap (TODO)

  • Outfit toolchain with nodemon to automatically reload in dev environment
  • Test performance of JavaScript Map to see if more performant implementation is necessary
  • Build UI for interacting with the Express API and underlying cache
  • Add persist/load functions to LRU cache
  • Promisify LRUCache.js for async operations