
This repo is from my series of presentations at Duke University teaching CS students how to build a basic chatbot on Facebook Messenger.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Duke2016 Chatbot README.md

My name is Kameron Kales. I am a founder (along with Chris Comrie) of Glance. Glance is a chatbot company which helps students discover and view a day in the life working at startups. We work out of HQ Raleigh and live at Thinkhouse. In addition we were selected to be apart of the 2016 Innovators Program backed by Citrix and RedHat.

I can be reached at kameron@askglance.com. My cell phone number is 704-877-6219 or on facebook at facebook.com/kameron.kales

Step 1:

To begin we must do the following!

Step 2:

  • Create the Facebook page you would like to have your bot live on. The "create page" option is on the left-hand side of your news feed.

Creating a FB Page

Step 3:

  • Head over to https://github.com/KameronKales/Duke2016, click "Star" & then click "Fork" on the upper right-hand side of the page. This makes your own copy of the repository, so that you have write access. Otherwise, you would have to request permission to add your changes to GitHub. If you don't have a GitHub account and don't want to make one, skip the above step.

  • Once you've forked the repository, head over to the copy on your GitHub, located at github.com/[YOUR ACCOUNT USERNAME]/Duke2016. Press "Clone or Download" and copy the link given.

clone or download image on GitHub

  • Run the following command in the terminal:
git clone *YOUR LINK*
  • Navigate into the cloned folder with cd Duke2016-by-Glance

  • Run npm install in your current folder.

Step 4

  • Go to https://developers.facebook.com/. Click "Products" in the upper navigation tab, then "Messenger Platform" which is listed under the "Growth and Engagement" tab.

messenger platform screenshot

  • Then, press the "Start Building" button. You will be directed to a new page. In the top right, there's a dropdown menu called "My Apps." Hover or click and select "Add App" or "Create App" -- either works.

my apps hover button

  • A popup will appear. Fill in your app's name and category, then select Create App ID.

  • You will be directed to a page called "Product Setup." Select "Messenger" from this list of products (note that "Messenger" and "Messenger Expression" are different -- select "Messenger"!)

  • On the "Messenger" page, scroll down to generate a token for your page.

token generation

  • Finally, add this generated token to your facebook_bot.js file via your text editor.

Step 5

  • Back on the Product Setup page, add "Webhooks" to your app.

  • In the popup, leave "Callback URL" blank for now. Your "Verify Token" may be anything you like (don't use any password you've ever used). As for "Subscription Fields," select every "Messenger"-related option.

  • In your facebook_bot.js file, add the "Verify Token" you used to the "verify_token" field.

Step 6

  • Open a new terminal. In your new terminal window, enter the command lt --port 5000

  • Copy the resulting URL.

  • Enter the URL back on the Webhooks Callback URL. NOTE that you need to modify the URL in two places: First, add an "s" to the "http://" so that it reads "https://". Second, add "/facebook/receive" to the end of the URL.

  • Press "Verify and Save."

Step 7

  • Return to your original terminal. Enter the command node facebook_bot.js

Step 8

  • You're done! Go to the Facebook page you set up and send it the message, "Hello"!