
Creates crop circles and spooky glyphs

Primary LanguagePython


Generating city blocks in a really dumb way

This generator uses Python 2.7 and PyGame to generate a random map in the style of city streets.
It's really basic, and has no intelligence. I mostly just did it because I wanted to see how quickly I could get something to generate that looks like a city map.
All of the angles are right for now, but it can easily be made to do diagonals. It just needs some weighting to make sure that there aren't a ton of criss-crossing diagonal roads, because that doesn't really happen in cities.

Oh, and this is based off of an earlier project, so there's some extra stuff. If you want to look at just the generation stuff, it's in the "StreetGen Stuff" section. It's maybe 80 lines right now. The rest is a retro-fitted drawing program I wrote ages ago.