
Just a goof-around project, to play with some simple game ideas. Don't expect frequent updates.

Primary LanguagePython

This is a roguelike based on the libtcodpy tutorials on Roguelike Basin. If you think this is a neat project, you should definitely check them out, since they've got tons of information about Roguelikes and such. Most of the credit goes to the writers of the tutorials; I just added some stuff afterward that I thought would be cool.

Arrow keys/Numpad: move
Numpad 5: wait one turn
Tab: show character information
g: grab an item at your feet
i: show inventory
d: show inventory to drop an item
c: carve a corpse into meat
l: look at an item in the inventory
>: go down the stairs (note: this is Shift+'.', not just '.')

Mousing over an object on the map will show its name in the lower-left corner. Clicking on an object on the map will 'look' at the object(s) under the mouse cursor.

Moving, waiting, and attacking each take a turn, everything else happens instantaneously, so feel free to eat five sandwiches or drink six potions in-between attacks.