
Build DFAs, NFAs, PDAs, and Turing Machines using text files

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A tool for building automata

  • Determinstic Finite Automata (DFA)
  • Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA)
  • Pushdown Automata (PDA)
  • Deterministic Pushdown Automata (DPDA)
  • Turing Machines
  • Nondeterministic Turing Machines


make otto


-v                verbose
-f <file>         input string file
-d                convert NFA to DFA
-m                minimize DFA
-r <string>       regex string
-s <seconds>      sleep between verbose output steps

The verbose flag will show state transition information. The file supplied to the '-f' argument may contain multiple strings with one per line.


$ ./otto <machine file> <input string>
$ ./otto samples/dfa_divBy8.txt 1000

A DFA, NFA, PDA, or TM file can be supplied via the first "non-option" argument. The input string is supplied via the second "non-option" argument.

File Format

start: q0;
final: q0, q1;
q0: 0>q0; 1>q1;
q1: 0>q2; 1>q1;
q2: 0>q3; 1>q1;
q3: 0>q0; 1>q1;

To specify a state's transitions, first type out the state's name followed by a colon. Next type a character that will trigger a transition, followed by a '>', then followed by a destination state name. Transition characters may be specified within single quotes, ie.:

q0: ';'>q0; 'a'>q1;

Following the '>' character can be a comma-separated list of state names:

q0: 'a'>q0,q1;

For nondeterministic automata, an empty string (epsilon) transition can be supplied by typing '>' with no preceding character:

q1: >q0,q2; a>q0;

Comments may be added with a preceding '#' on a whole line or at the end of a line. Transitions may be specified on lines below the state name, so long as each transition is still followed by a semicolon:


Pushdown Automata

The file format can be extended to support pushdown automata, or PDAs. The following example recognizes a number of 0s followed by the same number of 1s:

start: q1;
final: q1, q4;
    >q2 (>$);   # push initial stack symbol '$'
    0>q2 (>0);  # push '0' and go to q2
    1>q3 (0>);  # pop '0' and go to q3
    1>q3 (0>);  # pop '0' and stay in q3
    >q4 ($>);   # pop '$'

In parentheses following the destination state of the transition, stack operations can be defined.

(>x)        push 'x'
(x>)        pop 'x'
(x>y)       pop 'x' and push 'y'

These stack characters can also be specified within single quotes.

Turing Machines

The file format also supports building Turing Machines. Upon transitioning to another state, the machine may write to the input string ("tape") and may change direction if specified. Reject states are supported but not necessarily required. Keep in mind a machine will run forever if designed to do so (CTRL+C may be your friend). The following example will take a binary string and increment it by one:

start: q0;
final: q2;
blank: @;
    0>q0 (R);
    1>q0 (R);
    @>q1 (L);
    1>q1 (>0,L);
    0>q2 (>1,L);
    @>q2 (>1,L);

The default blank symbol is the underscore '_', but this can be changed by using the "blank: [char]" directive. When in doubt, this blank character can be specified between single quotes. In this implementation, both the left and right ends are considered to be filled with "infinite" blanks. The "reject:" directive can be optionally used to specify rejecting states.

The sleep command-line option '-s' may be useful in seeing how the tape progresses as the Turing Machine computes. For instance, the following run will sleep 250 milliseconds between each verbose output step:

$ ./otto samples/tm_0lenPow2.txt 00000000 -s 0.25


Using the '-r' argument, a regex string may be supplied supporting a few operations:

a*          Kleene star
a+          Repeat at least once
a|b         Union

An NFA is built from this regex and matched against the string(s) supplied. Example usage for regex:

$./otto -r '(ab)*' ababab

This NFA, or any NFA supplied by file, can be converted to a minimal DFA with the '-d' argument.