
C++ sanctuary for small but powerful and frequently required, stand alone features.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

cppassist is a collection of cross-platform C++ functions, classes and libraries that are too small to be standalone. It acts like a storage point for useful and reusable code for everyone using C++.

GitHub release Travis Appveyor Tokei Tokei


Installation and Development
Module Introductions

Build Instructions

Prerequisites and Dependencies

The only mandatory run-time dependencies of cppassist are the STL of the used compiler. Building cppassist from source has several mandatory and optional dependencies:

  • CMake 3.0 or higher for building cppassist from source (mandatory for any build from source)
  • git for version control and script supporting tasks
  • Doxygen 1.8 or higher for generating the documentation on your system
    • graphviz for generating diagrams (optional)
Compile Instructions

For compilation, a C++11 compliant compiler, e.g., GCC 4.8, Clang 3.3, MSVC 2013 Update 3, is required. First, download the source code as archive or via git:

> git clone https://github.com/cginternals/cppassist.git
> cd cppassist

Then, depending on the version of cppassist you want to build, choose the appropriate tag or branch, e.g., for the 1.0.0 release:

> git fetch --tags
> git checkout v1.0.0

The actual compilation can be done using CMake and your favorite compiler and IDE.

For building cppassist CMake via command line can be used (should work on all systems):

First, create a build directory (we do not recommend in-source builds):

> mkdir build
> cd build

Configure cppassist with your preferred or default generator, e.g., for Visual Studio 2015 in x64 use (note: some IDEs have integrated support for CMake projects, e.g., Qt Creator, and allow you to skip the manual project configuration):

> cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"

In order to compile the project, either use you favorite Editor/IDE with the created project or use CMake as follows:

> cmake --build .


command line arguments parser for console applications.

#include <cppassist/cmdline/ArgumentParser.h>
#include <cppassist/cmdline/CommandLineProgram.h>
#include <cppassist/cmdline/CommandLineAction.h>
#include <cppassist/cmdline/CommandLineCommand.h>
#include <cppassist/cmdline/CommandLineOption.h>
#include <cppassist/cmdline/CommandLineSwitch.h>
#include <cppassist/cmdline/CommandLineParameter.h>

// Declare program
CommandLineProgram program(
    "cmdline-example2 " CPPASSIST_VERSION,
    "cmdline-example2 demonstrates how to parse (complex) command line options using the CommandLineProgram class in cppassist."

// Common options
CommandLineSwitch swVerbose("--verbose", "-v", "Make output more verbose");

// Action: 'help'
CommandLineAction actionHelp("help", "Print help text");


CommandLineSwitch swHelp("--help", "-h", "Print help text", CommandLineSwitch::NonOptional);

CommandLineParameter paramCommand("command", CommandLineParameter::Optional);

// Action: 'count'
CommandLineAction actionCount("count", "Count from one number to another");


CommandLineCommand cmdCount("count");

CommandLineOption optStep("--increment-by", "-i", "step", "Number that is added per iteration", CommandLineOption::Optional);

CommandLineParameter paramFrom("from", CommandLineParameter::NonOptional);

CommandLineParameter paramTo("to", CommandLineParameter::NonOptional);

// Action: 'cp'
CommandLineAction actionCopy("cp", "Copy files");


CommandLineCommand cmdCopy("cp");

CommandLineParameter paramSrc("path", CommandLineParameter::NonOptional);


// Parse command line
program.parse(argc, argv);

// Check if a valid action has been selected
if (program.selectedAction() && !program.hasErrors())
    // Execute 'help'
    if (program.selectedAction() == &actionHelp)

    // Execute 'count'
    else if (program.selectedAction() == &actionCount)

    // Execute 'cp'
    else if (program.selectedAction() == &actionCopy)

    // Exit with success

// Print help


The error module introduces a Result template (inspired from the Result template from Rust) and an explicit Error class. The Result class can be used as follows:

#include <cppassist/error/Result.h>

// void return value example

cppassist::Result<void> processIfValid(bool check)
    if (!check)
        return cppassist::error<void>("Invalid");


    return cppassist::ok();

const auto result_success = processIfValid(true);
const auto result_failure = processIfValid(false);

if (!result_failure.isValid())
    std::cout << result_failure.error().message() << '\n';

// return value example

cppassist::Result<std::int64_t> faculty(int n)
    if (n < 0 || n > 20)
        return cppassist::error<std::int64_t>("n out of range");

    if (n < 2)
        return n;

    std::int64_t result = 1;
    while (n > 1)
        result *= n;

    return result;

const auto result_success = faculty(4);
const auto result_failure = faculty(30);

if (result_success.isValid())
    std::cout << "Faculty of 4 is " << result_success.value() << '\n';

if (!result_failure.isValid())
    std::cout << result_failure.error().message() << '\n';


Flags type to help using enums as flags.

#include <cppassist/flags/Flags.h>

enum class MyEnum : unsigned int {
    Value1 = 1,
    Value2 = 2,
    Value3 = 4

const auto f = cppassist::makeFlags(MyEnum::Value1) | MyEnum::Value2 & MyEnum::Value3;


The fs module provides classes to access raw files and their key-value structured header information.

#include <cppassist/fs/DescriptiveRawFile.h>

const auto file = cppassist::DescriptiveRawFile();
file.load("testfile.raw", true);

// access raw file contents (starting after header)

// access string properties from header

// access integer properties from header

// access floating point properties from header


logging provides stream like logging functionality with customizable outputs (default output is to the console).

#include <cppassist/logging/logging.h>

cppassist::setVerbosityLevel(LogMessage::Debug + 2);

cppassist::critical() << "A normal critical message.";
cppassist::error() << "A normal error message.";
cppassist::warning() << "A normal warning message.";
cppassist::info() << "A normal info message.";
cppassist::debug() << "A normal debug message.";
cppassist::debug(1) << "Another debug message.";

cppassist::info("A") << "Info message from context A";
cppassist::warning("B") << "Warning from context B";
cppassist::critical("C") << "Critical message from context C";


Low-level memory management helpers.


#include <cppassist/memory/make_unique.h>

int * value = cppassist::make_unique<int>(42);


class Foo
    int a;
    int b;

const auto offset = cppassist::offsetof(&Foo::b);


simd provides structures and algorithms for SIMD-like data processing, as introduced by GPUs. This is achieved by compiler extensions as SSE, AVX2, and AVX512.

#include <cppassist/simd/simd.h>
#include <cppassist/simd/vector.h>
#include <cppassist/simd/value.h>

const auto valueSize = 512ull * 512ull * 512ull * 2ull; // 1GB of consecutive data

cppassist::vector<float> values1(valueSize);
cppassist::vector<float> values2(valueSize);
std::fill(values1.valueBegin(), values1.valueEnd(), 2.0f);
std::fill(values2.valueBegin(), values2.valueEnd(), 4.0f);

// Traverse whole vectors and perform the operations using vectorization
cppassist::traverse([](const cppassist::vector<float>::value_type & chunk1, cppassist::vector<float>::value_type & chunk2)
    chunk2 = sqrt((sqrt(chunk1) * sqrt(chunk2) + 12.0f) * 0.125f + 5.0f);
}, values1, values2);


This module provides string utilities like conversion between string and numeric data types, convenience functions for string operations, and some advanced regex functionality (either implemented using Boost or the C++ standard library).


#include <cppassist/string/conversion.h>

const auto valueInt = cppassist::string::fromString<int>("42");
const auto valueBool = cppassist::string::fromString<bool>("True");

const auto valueString = cppassist::string::toString(3.14f);

// Encode string as UC32
const auto valueUC32 = cppassist::string::encode("Hello", cppassist::Encoding::ASCII);

//Decode string from UC32
const auto valueUTF8 = cppassist::string::decode(valueUC32, cppassist::Encoding::UTF8);


#include <cppassist/string/manipulation.h>

const auto commaSeparatedList = cppassist::join({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, ",");
const auto stringVector = cppassist::split("1,2,3,4,5", ',', false);
const auto trimmedString = cppassist::trim("     Hallo     ");
const auto strippedString = cppassist::stripped("1-2-3-4-5-6", { '-' });


#include <cppassist/string/regex.h>

if (cppassist::matchesRegex(hexString, "([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{6})"))
    const auto componentList = cppassist::extract(hexString,


The module threading provides functions that uses either OpenMP #pragma omp or the std::thread classes to execute a for loop concurrently.

#include <cppassist/threading/parallelfor.h>

bool parallelize = size > 25; // use parallel computation if threshold is reached

// Beware that start and end are both inclusive
cppassist::forEach(0u, size, [this](std::uint32_t number)
    // concurrent calls of this with 0 <= number <= size
}, parallelize);


Low-level tokenizer as base for more elaborate text parsers.

#include <cppassist/tokenizer/Tokenizer.h>

// Create tokenizer for JSON
cppassist::Tokenizer tokenizer;

    | cppassist::Tokenizer::OptionParseNumber
    | cppassist::Tokenizer::OptionParseBoolean
    | cppassist::Tokenizer::OptionParseNull
    | cppassist::Tokenizer::OptionCStyleComments
    | cppassist::Tokenizer::OptionCppStyleComments



This module introduces a TypeList type that allows calling different instantiations of a templated method consecutively.

#include <cppassist/typelist/TypeList.h>

class TypeListCallback

    template <typename T>
    void invoke()
        // gets instantiated and called with each type from SupportedTypes

using SupportedTypes = cppassist::TypeList<char, int, long, float, double>;

// Iterates over all type within type list and call the invoke overload for each type