


Commands API

  • load({ cwd, cachePath, scripts }) - loads all migration tasks
  • capture({ cwd, content, fromPlugins }) - captures current plugins and content
  • migrate({ cwd, toPlugins }) - migrates content from capture to new plugins
  • test({ cwd }) - tests the migrations with dummy content

Migration script API


  • describe(description, describeFunction) Describe a migration
  • whereContent(description, contentFilterFunction) Limit when the migration runs, return true/false/throw Error
  • whereFromPlugin(description, fromPluginFilterFunction) Limit when the migration runs, return true/false/throw Error
  • whereToPlugin(description, toPluginFilterFunction) Limit when the migration runs, return true/false/throw Error
  • mutateContent(contentFunction) Change content, return true/false/throw Error
  • checkContent(contentFunction) Check content, return true/false/throw Error
  • throwError(description) Throw an error
  • testSuccessWhere({ fromPlugins, toPlugins, content }) Supply some tests content which should end in success
  • testStopWhere({ fromPlugins, toPlugins, content }) Supply some tests content which should end prematurely
  • testErrorWhere({ fromPlugins, toPlugins, content }) Supply some tests content which will trigger an error


  • describeFunction = () => {} Function body has a collection of migration script functions
  • contentFilterFunction = content => {} Function body should return true/false/throw Error
  • fromPluginFilterFunction = fromPlugins => {} Function body should return true/false/throw Error
  • toPluginFilterFunction = toPlugins => {} Function body should return true/false/throw Error
  • contentFunction = content => { } Function body should mutate or check the content, returning true/false/throw Error
  • fromPlugins = [{ name: 'quickNav , version: '1.0.0' }] Test data describing the original plugins
  • toPlugins = [{ name: 'pageNav , version: '1.0.0' }] Test data describing the destination plugins
  • content = [{ _id: 'c-05, ... }] Test content for the course content

Grunt Commands

grunt migration:capture # captures current plugins and content
# do plugin/fw updates
grunt migration:migrate # migrates content from capture to new plugins
grunt migration:test # tests the migrations with dummy content
grunt migration:test --file=adapt-contrib-text/migrations/text.js # tests the migrations with dummy content