iCopy Forum |
Copy GoogleDrive Resources via Telegram BOT
1.Python 3.6+ is Required
2.Pre-install screen
3.Pre-install and Configured gclone is Reqired
For Linux directly use this command
bash <(wget -qO- https://git.io/gclone.sh)
4.git clone https://github.com/fxxkrlab/iCopy.git && cd iCopy
5.python3 -m venv .
6.. ./bin/activate
7.pip3 install -r requirements.txt
8.cp settings.py.example settings.py
9.Edit settings.py
- TOKEN : Bot API Token generated by BotFather
- ENABLED_USERS : Your telegram user id. Only enabled users can use this bot.
- Remote : Your gclone config name.like "gc"
- Pre_Dst_id : Pre-Assigned Google Drive Destination Folder ID for quick mode
- sa_path : The directory where your "service_accounts.json" is. End without slash "/".
NOTICE : "~" is not supported in the path.
python3 -u iCopy.py
screen -dmS iCopy `which python3` -u iCopy.py