
No Movies or TV Shows appear.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This happens with the login and URL/Token method. However, with the URL/Token method, the server name doesn't appear. With the login method, the server name and folders appear, but the movies and TV shows themselves do not.

Seconded. Not getting any shows/movies when authenticating via either method.
Tried the app as well as a copy of the source code.

Same issue on both.

Hi - can you both try doing this for me?

Press F12 on the page to bring up the Dev tools, then go to the "Console" and "Network" tabs. Then click through to the point where it doesn't show you (whether that is clicking on the server name, or clicking on the library name) and see if you can see any errors or warnings - they should be in red and yellow.

Send me a screenshot of any errors that pop up (make sure to black out any IP addresses).

Apologies for the very late reply - started a new job back in April, and life has been super busy. Hoping to get back on top of this again shortly :)

Oh man, I just realized what was happening!

When you open a library, it doesnt load any shows/movies by default. You have to click one of the letters at the top of the screen to load titles.

Maybe this can be avoided by loading all shows/movies by default and then users can filter by clicking a letter?

No errors or warnings in Dev Tools btw.

Thank you for your work and congrats on your new job!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah that would do it lol. That is expected behaviour for now. I do have #34 open to make it a bit friendlier to flow through the app to avoid these sorts of things, so it will be there when I can get some time to get around to that!

And thanks! 😄