- 1
No more SRT, SRT External, PGS etc... labels
#83 opened by fdeman34 - 0
Add Codec to Tables and update Matching
#84 opened by cglatot - 5
- 6
- 1
No longer working except for single episodes
#81 opened by Sawtaytoes - 0
Add Github and Dockerhub Icons to the Header
#80 opened by cglatot - 0
- 1
Connection with shares
#74 opened by Basche1490 - 3
Multiple Cap audio track select dont works
#72 opened by Baassde - 13
Unknown Error (0) when accessing via URL
#50 opened by coralcarl - 1
Select multiple episodes using SHIFT and CTRL
#67 opened by T4C0B311 - 1
Obey Forced/Default
#63 opened by ne0conquer - 1
Set quality
#61 opened by lollilol - 2
Plex URL / Token not being remembered
#73 opened by Gex2501 - 1
- 1
Change subtitles of shows in Watchlist
#59 opened by BadCo-NZ - 2
Apply track to entire Library
#35 opened by cglatot - 1
Better 'fuzzy matching' of commentary tracks
#58 opened by HStep20 - 5
force multi-channel audio boost
#54 opened by sirhotness - 3
Ignore audio/subtitle format when fuzzy matching
#52 opened by SnoFox - 6
Emby support/compatibility
#43 opened by stplatt - 2
Subtitle order
#70 opened by Howchie - 2
Change the Alphabet Display
#30 opened by cglatot - 1
Allow subtitles deletion
#64 opened by AndyZaa - 1
Libraries not loading
#71 opened by TubbinSauce - 3
- 1
Managed Users Not Updating
#68 opened by Ner0Tachiyomi - 1
Change automatically to new content
#66 opened by Ap0ph1s-W4ite - 1
Docker container doesn't start
#65 opened by BobSleeuw - 12
- 4
#57 opened by BadCo-NZ - 1
New Pasta Logo
#56 opened by hernandito - 13
Support Managed Users
#32 opened by cglatot - 2
PASTA chooses the wrong subtitle track
#55 opened by Ninelpienel - 4
Can't Log in iOS
#33 opened by fakedname - 1
Apply srt subs to all movies
#37 opened by DeuX01 - 4
No Movies or TV Shows appear.
#39 opened by DWreck1995 - 7
- 4
- 3
Streamline / walkthrough the app
#34 opened by cglatot - 0
Improve Alphabet styling
#46 opened by garretaserra - 4
Reverse proxy support?
#41 opened by ponchohoncho - 0
- 1
Newbie question: How to use PASTA exactly?
#36 opened by aleczk - 1
Local user handling
#38 opened by gdlx - 3 WebSite
#26 opened by ukdtom - 1
Support of Chinese Characters for TV Shows
#23 opened by Chalanxe - 0
- 13
Call to get libraries being made via HTTP even in environments where only HTTPS is allowed
#25 opened by Undeadllama - 15
Error on https, No Library on HTTP
#24 opened by Jomo94