
force multi-channel audio boost

Opened this issue · 4 comments

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when you go into each episode on plex through android tv, specifically playback settings, you can select multi-channel audio boost if it has it on the file. the only issue is that you have to do this for each episode instead of being able to do it across the series or your actual library. this would be an amazing feature to have just like the subtitles were. Note: this is different than the audio boost which is in the plex settings.

i'm not sure if this happens in the web app or on any other device, but to add it and be able to have it on the android tv app would be amazing.

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i want to the multi-channel audio boost to be able to be turned on across the library or the season or the series for tvshows.

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turn it on for entire library instead of just a season or series.

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Hi @sirhotness - can you provide me with some steps and images about how I might be able to replicate this myself? I also have Android TV, and I cannot find anything that I have that has the multi-channel audio boost. And the only reference to it I can find online is the one in the Plex Settings.

You will need to actually go into Github and attach the images directly into the post. Replying to the email notification with an attached image will not send it to me / Github.