
Add Username / Password Authentication to Plex

Closed this issue · 6 comments

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Rather than having to use the Plex Server URL and Plex-X-Token, we should be able to authenticate via username / password as this is more standard.

Decided to go with PIN authentication vs Username / Password as it seems a little more secure, and is an easier method to incorporate.

Decided to go with PIN authentication vs Username / Password as it seems a little more secure, and is an easier method to incorporate.

You should consider getting the Username/Password option too imo. From a user stand point, logging in vs having to launch another page and copy the pin seems smoother. Plus it would match up better with existing side apps (like Ombi)

You should consider getting the Username/Password option too imo. From a user stand point, logging in vs having to launch another page and copy the pin seems smoother. Plus it would match up better with existing side apps (like Ombi)

Before I went the PIN route I was trying to get user / pass working, but I just couldn't get it. Documentation for REST based authentication and APIs for Plex are extremely lacking. But I'll reopen it and have another look in the future.

Thanks for that! That led me onto this, which seems to be the preferred method by Plex for authentication: