
LaTeX / TikZ extension for showing 3D vectors

MIT LicenseMIT


LaTeX / TikZ extension for showing 3D vectors. Just download the vectors.tikz and try out the examples below.


Note, that the commands are named in German to avoid confusion with predefined LaTeX- and TikZ-commands. This won't change in future because I'm lazy :D


Either in plain LaTeX or within a TeX-area inside LyX:



	\vektor{$\vec{v}$}{P}{Q}{pos=0.5, above};

	\vektor{$\vec{v}$}{A}{B}{pos=0.5, above};





	\draw (A) to (B) to (C);
	\draw[dashed] (A) to (D) to (C);

	\draw (A) to (S);
	\draw (B) to (S);
	\draw (C) to (S);
	\draw (D) to (S);






	\draw (A) to (B) to (C);
	\draw[dashed] (A) to (D) to (C);

	\draw (A) to (S);
	\draw (B) to (S);
	\draw (C) to (S);
	\draw (D) to (S);

	\draw[red] (S) to (M_1) to (M_2);
	\draw pic["$\gamma$", draw] {angle=S--M_1--M_2};





	% clip required to limit line to the scene
	\clip (-12, -10) rectangle (15, 10);

	\draw (A) to (B) to (C) to cycle;
	\draw[dashed] (A) to (S) to (C);
	\draw[dashed] (B) to (S);