
MATLAB/Python Jupyter Notebooks for Mobile Robotics


MATLAB/Python Jupyter Notebooks for Mobile Robotics. A lot of this code is based on code presented in the University of Waterloo's ME 597 - Autonomous Mobile Robotics class. The class required MATLAB, but I prefer Python so I try to do a bit of both to understand some of the shortcomings that may still exist in Python.


This repository may be used either for viewing online or tinkering with on your own machine.

Viewing Online

###GitHub GitHub has an Jupyter notebook renderer. Simply open any of the ipynb files on the repository.

###Binder Binder Binder lets you modify and run the code in these notebooks in your browser. Just click the Binder badge above or head over to this link.

Viewing Locally

To run this code on your machine you will need MATLAB and Jupyter installed.


You will have to buy MATLAB. These programs may work with Octave but I haven't tested it myself, file a bug if something doesn't work and I'll see how I can help.

Jupyter is a free Python tool for interactive computing. There are many ways to install Jupyter but the easiest is using conda. Download it here and run the following to install all Python dependencies:

conda install jupyter numpy pandas
pip install matlab_kernel

Once you have both installed, check out this repository using

git clone https://github.com/cglwn/mobile-robotics.git

Running Locally

To view the notebooks locally and interact with them, navigate to the repository folder and run ipython notebook which will open up the web application.