
A Twitter clone project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tweeter Project

Tweeter is a simple, single-page Twitter clone.


This mobile-friendly web application is a microblogging platform on which users can post short (up to 140 characters) messages known as "tweets".

All features as outlined in the project requirements are implemented, including stretch components:

  • The navigation bar compose button toggles the hidden compose tweet box.
  • The compose tweet box slides down and the text-area auto-focuses.
  • The navigation bar compose button hides the tweet box using a slide-up animation on click, if the tweet box is showing.
  • When a user scrolls down on the page, a second button appears in the lower right-hand corner.
  • If the user clicks this button, they are brought back up to the top of the page.

Final Product

Scrolling on a narrow display

Scrolling on a narrow display

Scrolling on a wide display

[posting a new tweet and scrollong on a wide display]

Live on Heroku

Live demo of the project.


  • Express
  • Node 5.10.x or above
  • body parser
  • chance
  • express
  • md5

Dev dependencies

  • nodemon
  • ESLint
  • sass

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository.
  2. Install dependencies using the npm install command.
  3. Start the web server using the npm run local command. The app will be served at http://localhost:8080/.
  4. Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.