Supplier Product List Processor - Solution

About this project

This repo consists of parser.php file. As the name suggests, its a parser of CSV file When run on commandline/terminal, The data in the CSV is displayed as individual items

make : 'ACCESSORIZE' (string) - Brand name
model : 'UNIVERSAL 10 INCH TABLET FOLIO CASE - ROSE NAVY' (string) - Model name
condition : 'Brand New' (string) - Condition name
grade : 'Brand New' (string) - Grade name
capacity : 'Not Applicable' (string) - Gb spec name
colour : 'Multicolour' (string) - Colour name
network : 'Not Applicable' (string) - Network name

This code is compatible with any type of CSV with header as main field for the data. The unique fature of this file is that it accepts large CSV files as well without any memory limit

Requirements to run the file

  • Windows with commandline / Linux/OSX with terminal
  • PHP v7 and above

Instruction to run

Open commandline or terminal and run the code as shown beow php parser.php --file <INPUT_FILENAME.CSV> --unique-combination=<FILENAME_OUTPUT.CSV>


php parser.php --file products_comma_separated.csv --unique-combinations=combination_count.csv

Work in progress

The objective is to produce a CSV file containing unique set of data with count as follows

make: 'Apple'
model: 'iPhone 6s Plus'
colour: 'Red'
capacity: '256GB'
network: 'Unlocked'
grade: 'Grade A'
condition: 'Working'
count: 129