
Comprehensive Git Cheat Sheet

Git Commands and Descriptions



Some Details

🍺 To install homebrew

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

For brew version control

$ brew --version  

For git version control

$ git --version

:octocat: To install git

$ brew install git

or download and install via installer link.

See the available configurations

$ git config --list

Configurations process

$ git config --global user.name ”your name”, 
$ git config --global user.email ”your email adress”

To learn configured user name and user email

$ git config --global user.name 

To see pathway

$ pwd

To see file content you are in

$ ls

Clear the terminal

$ clear 

To go "xx" pathway

$ cd xx

To see the hidden files

$ ls -a

To go previous pathway

$ cd ..

To make an “xx” directory

$ mkdir xx

Create an "a.xx" file

$ touch a.xx

Add something from terminal to inside of "a.xx" file

$ vi a.xx

and push the “i” button for exit, first push the “ESC” button and then “colon (:)” button. After that write “wq” and push “enter (return)”.

For open the "a.xx" file on süblime text

$ subl a.xx

For open "a.xx" in the vs code

$ code . a.xx

For remove the "a.xx" file

$ rm a.xx

For remove the all the folder you are in

$ rm -r

Create a “xx” named folder

$ mkdir xx

Create git repository in folder

$ git init

The staging area can be considered as the indexing area.

To learn commit, branch status and newly created contents

$ git status

Create “aa” named txt or desired extention file

$ touch aa.txt

Create “aa” named txt or desired extention file in “xxx” directory

$ touch xxx/aa.txt

Add aa.txt file to staging area

$ git add aa.txt

Remove aa.txt file from staging area(transfer to untracked files

$ git rn –cached aa.txt

Send all files in folder to staging area for indexing

$ git add .

See the log, see the commits

$ git log

For simpler report, see the commits

$ Git log --oneline

Save file content to local repository from staging area with “first commit” note in master branch

$ git commit -m"First commit"

Go to xx commit

$ git reset “xx commit id” --hard

Bring xx commit staging area

$ git reset “xx commit id” --soft

Deleting the change made in the commit/version

$ git revert “xx commit id”

Change the commit note

$ git commit--amend -m “new message”

Create a branch, named “feature”

$ git branch feature

For branch listing

$ git branch -a

Switch to feature named branch

$ git checkout feature

Create a branch, named “feature-1” and switch it

$ git checkout -b feature-1

Delete a branch, named “feature”

$ git branch -d feature

Delete a branch, named “feature” forcefully

$ git branch -D feature

Merging the "feature" group with the group we are currently in

$ git merge feature

Github registration

  • Select public repository and fill personal informations, mail verification

  • Click new repository, fill repository name, give description optionally, Select public or private

  • Add README

  • Add gitignore. , add license and create repository

  • Copy the https link

Save files and commits to remote repository in “xxx” branch

$ git push "paste https link here" xxx

then fill user name and password

Save https link to repository as “origin” nickname

$ git remote add origin ”paste link here”

See the saved https links

$ git remote -v

Save files and commits to remote repository saved https nickname as “origin” in “xxx” branch

$ git push origin xxx

Clone any repository

$ git clone “paste https of repository”

Create pull request as contributer and merge pull request as manager

To fork a repository

  • Via click manually fork any project to own account

  • If modification is necessary modify

  • Do all previous processes the same way on forked project’s https adress

Create pull request to forked repository of original

  • After modify on forked repository click new pull request

  • Click create pull request, give title and make comment

To handle pull requests

  • Click pull requests

  • For review the changes made, click files changed

  • We can make comment and submit review to other editors

  • via the merge pull request and then confirm merge we can complete merging

Save new modifications on remote repository to local repository

Also we can create new file button, necessary modifications and click Commit new file with description and then

$ git fetch “paste here https adress”

“fetch” doesn't do any file transferring. It's more like just checking to see if there are any changes available. For copy we need to,

$ git merge “https adress/”branch name”

Save new modifications on remote repository to local repository

Also we can create new file button, necessary modifications and click Commit new file with description and then

$ git pull “https adress/”branch name”

“pull” brings (copy) those changes from the remote repository.

1-Create .gitignore

$ touch .gitignore

For hide files

Write the files and directories you want to hide into the .gitignore file

Don’t hide “aa.php” file, except all other files in same “bb” directory

In the .gitignore file write,



We can create readme.md extended file in local repository and make modifications before send it to remote repository.

Also on github ui, add a README button.

For readme standart syntax rules link.

For create tables on readme standart syntax rules link

Emoji list link


The git stash command takes your uncommitted changes (both staged and unstaged), saves them away for later use, and then reverts them from your working copy.

$ git stash save “notes about save process”

See the stash list currently we have

$ git stash list

See the stash details

$ git stash Show -p “stash id(0, 1, 2 ..)”

Delete the last or specified stash

$ git stash drop
$ git stash drop “stash id”

Bring back the last or specified stash

$ git stash pop
$ git stash pop “stash id”


For add a shorthand for a common Git command or set of Git commands

To use status command as st

$ git config --global alias.st status
$ git st

To use “commit -m” as co

$ git config --global alias.co “commit -m”
$ git co “message”

To see alias list

$ git config --list 

Undo changes made to the xx.txt file.

$ git checkout -- xx.txt

To see detailed modifications

$ git diff