
Simple feature extraction and predictive modeling with text

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

The goal is to write a package to simplify text analysis with python. This should include both feature extraction and building predictive models.

The package passes simple unit tests but requires additional testing.

To use the package, you need data: Lists for outcomes and texts. To obtain a predictive bag-of-words model from the text, you write

from text_model import TextModel
modules = "bag-of-words"
text_model = TextModel(outcomes, texts, modules)

If you want to know the predicted value for new text, you write

text_model.predict("Some new text")

The package also contains additional feature extractors, for instance emotions (positive/negative and subjective/objective) and named entities (people and organizations). To extract these as well, you would write:

modules = ["bag-of-words", "emotions", "entities"]
text_model = TextModel(outcomes, texts, modules)

The package does the text cleaning for you. But you can also change default options, for instance by setting:

options = {"lowercase": True, "lemmatize": True}
text_model = TextModel(outcomes, texts, modules, options)

Simplifying the model this far does of course require making lots of assumptions along the way. If you want to, you should be able change these defaults one-by-one - this is not yet functional yet.