
A GBDX task that detects boats.

Primary LanguagePython


A GBDX task that detects boats. Boats include ships, vessels, speed boats, barges and cranes (self-propelled or not).

The inputs to the task are a 4/8-band multispectral image, its pan-sharpened counterpart and, optionally, a water mask. The output is a geojson file with the detection bounding boxes.


This is a sample workflow to detect boats in the New York area. The required input imagery is found in S3.

  1. Within an iPython terminal create a GBDX interface an specify the task input location:

    from gbdxtools import Interface
    from os.path import join
    import uuid
    gbdx = Interface()
    input_location = 's3://gbd-customer-data/32cbab7a-4307-40c8-bb31-e2de32f940c2/platform-stories/boat-detector/'
  2. Create a task instance and set the required inputs:

    bd = gbdx.Task('boat-detector-dev')
    bd.inputs.ps_image = join(input_location, 'ps_image')
    bd.inputs.ms_image = join(input_location, 'ms_image')
    bd.inputs.mask = join(input_location, 'mask')
  3. Create a workflow instance and specify where to save the output:

    wf = gbdx.Workflow([bd])
    random_str = str(uuid.uuid4())
    output_location = join('platform-stories/trial-runs', random_str)
    wf.savedata(bd.outputs.detections, join(output_location, 'boat_detections'))
  4. Execute the workflow:

  5. Track the status of the workflow as follows:



The task does the following:

  • If a water mask is not provided, it computes one from the multispectral image using the normalized difference water index.
  • Computes a dissimilarity map between adjacent pixels of the multispectral image in order to highlight material differences.
  • Masks the dissimilarity map with the water mask then detects elongated features in the masked dissimilarity map using max-tree filtering to produce a set of candidate bounding boxes.
  • Chips out the candidates from the pan-sharpened image and feeds them to a Keras model which classifies each candidate as 'Boat' and 'Other'.

With regards to the training of the neural network, the training set is created by generating candidate boxes from different locations using the procedure described previously and manually labeling each candidate as 'Boat' and 'Other'. A candidate is labeled as 'Boat' if there is part of a boat or one or more boats which occupy a portion of the box.


GBDX input ports can only be of "Directory" or "String" type. Booleans, integers and floats are passed to the task as strings, e.g., "True", "10", "0.001".

Name Type Description Required
ms_image directory Contains a 4/8-band atmospherically multispectral image in geotiff format and UTM projection. This directory should contain only one image otherwise one is selected arbitrarily. True
ps_image directory Contains the pan-sharpened counterpart of the multispectal image in geotiff format and UTM projection. This directory should contain only one image otherwise one is selected arbitrarily. True
mask Directory Contains a binary image of the same spatial dimensions as the input multispectral image where intensity 255 corresponds to water and intensity 0 to background. False
threshold string Decision threshold. Defaults to 0.657. False
with_mask String If false, there is no water masking. If true and a mask is supplied then masking is performed with the supplied mask. If true and a mask is not supplied then a water mask is computed and masking is performed with the computed mask. The default is true. False
dilation String Radius of dilation disk in m. Use this to dilate the water mask in order to remove holes in the water and invade the coastline. Default is 100. False
min_linearity String The minimum allowable ratio of the major and minor axes lengths of a detected feature. Default is 2. False
max_linearity String The maximum allowable ratio of the major and minor axes lengths of a detected feature. Default is 8. False
min_size String Minimum boat candidate size in m2. Default is 500. False
max_size String Maximum boat candidate size in m2. Default is 6000. False


Name Type Description
detections directory Contains geojson file with detection bounding boxes.
candidates directory Contains geojson file with candidate bounding boxes.
mask directory Contains water mask if a water_mask is created, i.e., water_mask is true and no water mask is provided as input.


  • If precision is more important than recall then increase the threshold, and vice versa.
  • The required projection for the input images is UTM, due to the fact that candidate locations are derived based on geometrical properties such as size and elongation.
  • If the area of interest includes land, e.g., in the case of a port, then it is recommended to set with_mask=True. It is preferable to provide an accurate water mask as input if that is available. The built-in algorithm to derive the water mask is generally reliable but can fail in certain cases such as when shadows from buildings are cast onto the water (in which case the water mask leaks onto the land). If you set with_mask=False, then make sure to crop out as much land as possible from the input images; if you don't do that you will get numerous false detections on land.
  • Boats that are attached to each other will most likely be lumped into one detection. This is particularly the case for small boats in marinas.
  • The wake of a boat will generally be included in the detection bounding box.
  • The parameters min_linearity, max_linearity and min_area, max_area refer to the linearity and size limits of the features detected by the algorithm. A boat might be attached to an adjacent object or to its wake. Allow for some margin when setting these parameters. Keep in mind that the classifier has been trained on candidates derived with the default parameters.
  • The maximum acceptable size of the input multispectral image depends on the available memory. We have run the algorithm on entire WV3 strips with no problems using an AWS r4.2xlarge instance.


8-1-2017, GBDX version 0.1.3

Only detects boats at sea (not at the dock).


Trained at the ports Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Rotterdam, Kaoh Siung, Hamburg, Jeddah, Algeciras, Mumbai, Santos, Piraeus, Istanbul and Yokohama using WV02, WV03 and GeoEye imagery collected between 2015 and 2017, and approximately 10000 labeled candidates equally divided between the these locations. The imagery was atmospherically compensated and pan-sharpened using base-layer matching (example). The architecture of the neural network is ResNet.


Approximately 0.7 sec/km2, based on experiments at the ports of Vancouver, San Francisco, New York, New Orleans and Charleston using the GBDX nvidiap2 domain. This figure is image and location dependent, and assumes an accurate water mask is provided as input.


Build the Docker Image

You need to install Docker.

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/platformstories/boat-detector

Then build the image locally. Building requires input environment variables for protogen and GBDX AWS credentials. You will need to contact kostas.stamatiou@digitalglobe.com for access to Protogen.

cd boat-detector
docker build --build-arg PROTOUSER=<GitHub username> \
    --build-arg PROTOPASSWORD=<GitHub password> \
    --build-arg AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS access key> \
    --build-arg AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<AWS secret key> \
    --build-arg AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<AWS session token> \
    -t boat-detector .

Try out locally

You need a GPU and nvidia-docker. Create a container in interactive mode and mount the sample input under /mnt/work/input/:

nvidia-docker run -v full/path/to/sample-input:/mnt/work/input -it boat-detector

Then, within the container:

python /boat-detector.py

Confirm that the output geojson is under /mnt/work/output/results.

Docker Hub

Login to Docker Hub:

docker login

Tag your image using your username and push it to DockerHub:

docker tag boat-detector yourusername/boat-detector
docker push yourusername/boat-detector

The image name should be the same as the image name under containerDescriptors in boat-detector.json.

Alternatively, you can link this repository to a Docker automated build. Every time you push a change to the repository, the Docker image gets automatically updated.

Register on GBDX

In a Python terminal:

from gbdxtools import Interface
gbdx = Interface()
gbdx.task_registry.register(json_filename = 'boat-detector.json')

Note: If you change the task image, you need to reregister the task with a higher version number in order for the new image to take effect. Keep this in mind especially if you use Docker automated build.