This is a repository and knowledge base of articles and other tools to document my journey into growing mushrooms at home.
Below is a list of articles that describe all things related to growing mushrooms at home.
The proper environment for growing mushrooms is important, the proper temperature moisture and growing medium are essential for growth.
The grow sensor is a project using a ESP8266 wemos D1 IoT device that has addon development boards and sensors that are reported to a central service. These modules include DHT Sensors solid state relays for controling water pumps and lights.
- [Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266] (
- [Wemos DHT11 Shield ] (
- [Wemos D1 Relay] (
- Arduino IDE
- [Wemos Borads for Arduino IDE]
- [Wemos Driver] (
[Adafruit DHT Sensor Library] (
[WiFi Module]
[Reference 1] (
[Reference 2] (
[Wifi Access point Reference] (
!TODO: Add code for controlling the sensor
Listed below are the features for the sensors.
- Host web interface to display current temp and moisture
- Record Temperature and Moisture
- Push Temperature and Moisture to logging database
- Update configuration for logging location
The GrowPi project leverages a rasbperry pi or other computer to monitor the growing environment. The project is buit in python and has the following features.
- Temperature monitoring and tracking
- Light Monitoring and tracking
- Moisture and Humidity monitoring and tracking
- Threshold Alerting
- Host web service for recieving temperature data
- Push configuration to sensor