
{janes} is an R wrapper for the Janes API.

Primary LanguageR


janes is an R wrapper for the Janes API that allows Janes users to easily pull data from the API into tibbles. These tibbles are then ready for data analysis and visualization, export into CSV or XLSX, or integration into users' systems. Documentation for the API can be found at the Janes Developer site.

You can install janes from GitHub:



The package currently supports the following Janes API endpoints:

  • Airports: endpoint = "airports"
  • Bases: endpoint = "bases"
  • Companies: endpoint = "companies"
  • Country Risk: endpoint = "countryrisk"
  • Defence Programs: endpoint = "defenceprogrammes"
  • Early Warning Sites: endpoint = "ewsites"
  • Equipment: endpoint = "equipment"
  • Equipment Relationships: endpoint = "equipmentrelationships"
  • Events: endpoint = "events"
  • Inventories: endpoint = "inventories"
  • Markets Forecast: endpoint = "marketforecasts"
  • News: endpoint = "news"
  • Nuclear Sites: endpoint = "nuclearsites"
  • ORBATs: endpoint = "orbats"
  • Reference: endpoint = "references"
  • SAM Sites: endpoint = "samsites"
  • Satellite Images: endpoint = "satelliteImages"

Getting Started

To get started, and to use any of the above functions, first use the save_janes_key function to save your Janes API key to your R environment:


Using janes

As of 19 February 2021, all API endpoint-specific functions have been replaced with a single function: get_janes. Users specify an endpoint and, optionally, a country:

## Pull all Russian ORBATs data
ru_orbat <- get_janes(country = "RU", endpoint = "orbats")

## Pull all Russian SAM sites data
ru_sam <- get_janes(country = "RU", endpoint = "samsites")

## Pull all Belgian, Chinese, and Canadian inventories
inventories <- get_janes(country = c("BE", "CN", "CA"), endpoint = "inventories")

inventories %>% head()

# id    recordState title description updatedDate acquiredOrInSer~ yearOfInitialDe~ inService
#  <chr> <chr>       <chr> <chr>       <chr>       <chr>            <chr>            <chr>    
#1 Inve~ updated     ZTQ-~ ZTQ-15-Peo~ 2020-11-06~ In Service       2018             28       
#2 Inve~ updated     ZTL-~ ZTL-11-Peo~ 2020-12-13~ In Service       NA               Unknown  
#3 Inve~ updated     ZTD-~ ZTD-05-Peo~ 2020-08-18~ In Service       2005             152      
#4 Inve~ updated     ZSL-~ ZSL-92B-Pe~ 2020-12-13~ In Service       1986             500      
#5 Inve~ updated     ZSL-~ ZSL-92-Peo~ 2020-11-29~ In Service       1986             900      
#6 Inve~ updated     ZBL-~ ZBL-09-Peo~ 2020-11-28~ In Service       2013             1970
#  ... with 42 more variables: 

As in the inventories example above, multiple countries can be queried by passing the country ISO codes in a vector.

There are also functions available for saving data from the above endpoints into XML and JSON files: get_janes_json and get_janes_xml.

Parallel processing

Users can now use parallel processing to significantly speed up API pulls (by ~75%, depending on users' computers and internet connection speeds) by using the optional argument parallel = TRUE.

## Pull all bases data using parallel processing

n_cores <- availableCores() - 1
plan(multiprocess, workers = n_cores)

all_bases <- get_janes(endpoint = "bases", parallel = TRUE)

XMLs from the Reference/News endpoints

All Janes endpoints except the Reference and News endpoints natively return JSON data. Reference and News instead return XML versions of Janes online documents. As a result, using the argument endpoint = "references" or endpoint = "news" instead saves XMLs to your working directory. It is still possible to use parallel processing when saving XMLs.

Lifecycle: experimental