
A lab on linear counting for Telecom and CS students.

Primary LanguageJava

Linear Counting lab

Lab coverage

In this lab, we will cover :

  • The implementation of a probabilistic data structure,
  • Focusing given to linear counting,
  • Toying on an application in the field of computer networks.

The lab subject document can be found in ./resources/ as a PDF document.

The current repository offer the code to bootstrap you.

What to do

In order to address this lab, you may want to process as follows :

  • Read the entire lab document located here
  • Understand the existing code that is giving to you
  • Start coding what is missing in the class Analyzer (Some hints are given in the TODO comments section of the main method).


I tried not to use Maven, JDK 8 or any other libraries (e.g. it's a shame there a syso and no logger) although it may ease the code and its understanding. The lab rooms in different universities this course is given may not have any aforementionned software, the student may have a limited knowledge on Java ecosystem, or a proxy is in the way (sometimes configuring the proxy at different levels is tricky for the students and we end up spending most of the time in explaining what a proxy is than actually coding ;-))

This is therefore not code close to production at all, use it at your own risk and I am not responsible for anything.

Christophe Gravier | @chgravier