
Calculate All Trades For Fantasy Football

Primary LanguageJavaScript

- unix (grep/sed/uniq/sort)
- phantomjs (http://phantomjs.org/)

- change values in info.config to reflect your username, password, teamname
  - replace spaces with underscores ("_") in your team name if they have any
- change values in ./free_agent_points.conf 
  - row represents the highest projected points you can get from the Free Agent pool.


    (cwd is this dir)

- NOTE: current ./final.scraped.txt is up to date as of Sep 3 if you just want to skip scraping

- change "teamStartingPositions" if your team format is different

    (cwd is this dir)
    phantomjs trade.js 1 1

- the first number is the number of players you are trading
- the second number is the number of players you are getting in the trade.
- So if you wanted to calculate up to 2 x 2 (going higher might take a long time)

    for i in "1 1" "1 2" "2 1" "2 2"; do phantomjs trade.js $i; done

(by column)

tradee name
players you are trading
players you are getting
your points difference
their points difference
total difference  
players that were dropped from your optimal season starting lineup
players that were added to your optimal season starting linup
players that were dropped from their optimal season starting lineup
players that were added to their optimal season starting linup