
[READ ONLY] A Blade compatible template engine with much extendable interface.

Primary LanguagePHP

Windwalker Edge

Edge is a Blade compatible template engine, provides same syntax to support Blade template files, but has more powerful extending interfaces.

Installation via Composer

Add this to the require block in your composer.json.

    "require": {
        "windwalker/edge": "~3.0"

Getting Started

Render Text Template

use Windwalker\Edge\Edge;
use Windwalker\Edge\Loader\EdgeStringLoader;

$edge = new Edge(new EdgeStringLoader);

echo $edge->render('<h1>{{ $title }}</h1>', array('title' => 'Hello World~~~!'));


<h1>Hello World~~~!</h1>

File Loader

use Windwalker\Edge\Edge;
use Windwalker\Edge\Loader\EdgeFileLoader;

$paths = array(
	__DIR__ . '/tmpl',

$edge = new Edge(new EdgeFileLoader($paths));

// This will load `./tmpl/layout/index.edge.php` file as template
echo $edge->render('layout.index', array('title' => 'Hello', 'content' => 'Everyone'));

The result:


File Format (Extension)

Edge is Blade compatible, so we can also use .blade.php format as template file.

We can also add our new formats.

$loader = new EdgeFileLoader($paths);

Cache File

We can cache compiled template to a folder so that we don't need to re-compile them every time. If the origin file has been modified, the cache file will auto refresh.

use Windwalker\Edge\Cache\EdgeFileCache;
use Windwalker\Edge\Edge;
use Windwalker\Edge\Loader\EdgeFileLoader;

$paths = array(__DIR__ . '/tmpl');

$edge = new Edge(new EdgeFileLoader($paths), null, new EdgeFileCache(__DIR__ . '/cache'));

echo $edge->render('layout.index', array('title' => 'Hello', 'content' => 'Everyone'));

The file will cached at ./cache/~d673948ede8e9982504dd46407f3038d:

<h1><?php echo $this->escape($title); ?></h1>
<p><?php echo $this->escape($content); ?></p>

Global Variables

Add global variables to Edge, these variables will inject to template when every time we are rendering.

$edge = new Edge;
$edge->addGlobal('flower', 'sakura'); // Global variable

$edge->render('layout', array('foo' => 'bar')); // foo is local variable

Edge Syntax

Most of Edge syntax are same as Blade.

Echoing Data

Display a variable by {{ ... }}

Hello {{ $title }}

Unescaped echoing.

My name is {!! $form->input('name') !!}

Control Structures

If Statement

Use @if ... @else directive.

@if (count($flower) == 1)
    I have one flower!
@elseif (count($flower) > 1)
    I have many flkowers!
    I don't have any flower!

Unless directive

@unless ($user->isAdmin())
    You are not logged in.


Edge provides simple directives similar to PHP loop structure.

@for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
    The current value is {{ $i }}

@foreach ($users as $user)
    <p>This user is: {{ $user->name }}</p>

@forelse ($articles as $article)
    <li>{{ $article->title }}</li>
    <p>No article here</p>

@while (true)
    <p>I'm looping forever.</p>

You might need to break or skip a loop.

@foreach ($users as $user)

    @if (!$user->id)

    <p>This user is: {{ $user->name }}</p>

    @if ($user->id >= 10)


Or add conditions to these two directives.


@break($user->id >= 10)

Components & Slots

Components and slots provide similar benefits to sections and layouts; however, some may find the mental model of components and slots easier to understand. First, let's imagine a reusable "alert" component we would like to reuse throughout our application:

<div class="alert alert-danger">
    {{ $slot }}

The {{ $slot }} variable will contain the content we wish to inject into the component. Now, to construct this component, we can use the @component directive:

    <strong>Whoops!</strong> Something went wrong!

Sometimes it is helpful to define multiple slots for a component. Let's modify our alert component to allow for the injection of a "title". Named slots may be displayed by "echoing" the variable that matches their name:

<div class="alert alert-danger">
    <div class="alert-title">{{ $title }}</div>

    {{ $slot }}

Now, we can inject content into the named slot using the @slot directive. Any content not within a @slot directive will be passed to the component in the $slot variable:


    You are not allowed to access this resource!

Passing Additional Data To Components

Sometimes you may need to pass additional data to a component. For this reason, you can pass an array of data as the second argument to the @component directive. All of the data will be made available to the component template as variables:

@component('alert', ['foo' => 'bar'])


We can define some sections in a root template.

<!-- tmpl/layouts/root.edge.php -->
            The is root body

Now we can add an child template to extends root template.


@section('page_title', 'My Page Title')

    <p>This is my body content.</p>

The final template rendered:

        <title>My Page Title</title>
        <p>This is my body content.</p>

More directive and usages please see Blade

Extending Edge

Add Directive to EdgeCompiler

use Windwalker\Edge\Compiler\EdgeCompiler;

$edge = new Edge(new EdgeStringLoader);

$compiler = $edge->getCompiler();

$compiler->directive('upper', function ($expression)
	return "<?php echo strtoupper$expression; ?>";

echo $edge->render('<h1>@upper("flower")</h1>');



Use Extension Class

We can create Extension class to add multiple directives and global variables to Edge.

class MyExtension implements \Windwalker\Edge\Extension\EdgeExtensionInterface
	public function getName()
		return 'my_extension';

	public function getDirectives()
		return array(
			'upper' => array($this, 'upper'),
			'lower' => array($this, 'lower'),

	public function getGlobals()
		return array(
			'flower' => 'sakura'

	public function getParsers()
		return array();

	public function upper($expression)
		return "<?php echo strtoupper$expression; ?>";

	public function lower($expression)
		return "<?php echo strtolower$expression; ?>";

// Inject this extension to Edge

$edge->addExtension(new MyExtension[, $name = null]);