
Kreya is a gRPC GUI client with innovative features for environments, authorizations and more.


Kreya is a gRPC GUI client. It makes calling gRPC APIs easy! Supported features:

  • Server reflection
  • Unary, client-streaming, server-streaming and duplex requests
  • File based storage for easy git-syncing (or any other syncing software)
  • Authentication configurations - declare once, use everywhere
  • Environments
  • Powerful templating language
  • Project or directory settings (ex. define the gRPC endpoint only once for all requests)
  • And more!

Where can I get it?

Head over to the download page.

Getting started / Documentation

Checkout out the Kreya documentation.

Bugs / Feature requests

Submit bug reports or feature requests in the issue tracker. Please check if an identical issue already exists.


In addition to the open issues, here is a broad overview of features we want to implement in Kreya:

  • Request and response history
  • Base environment
  • Cache importer information
  • Custom keymap support

Far future:

  • REST support
  • Websockets support
  • GraphQL support