
Ansible playbooks for setting up a Pleiades server

Primary LanguageShell

Pleiades Ansible Playbooks

Ansible playbooks meant to be sufficient to build or rebuild a server with minimal preparation.

These do not handle live data transfer.


Ubuntu 14.04 server and an ssh login with full sudo. Install required roles::

ansible-galaxy -p roles install -r install_roles.yml

Typical use::

ansible-playbook pleiades.yml
(targets all servers)

ansible-playbook pleiades.yml -l staging
(targets only the staging server)

If the server is installed on a cloud with its own firewall (like EC2), see firewall.yml for ports that must be opened manually using that service.


The default inventory file is inventory.cfg. It defines both live and staging groups.

There is a matching vbox-host.cfg that defines the same groups, but targets the vagrant virtualbox. Usage: ansible-playbook -i vbox-host.cfg pleiades.yml

Host and Group Variables

For each host in the inventory, it is possible to customize deployment some variables using the files in host_vars. For example host_vars/ec2_staging.yml contains host specific variables for the EC2 staging server.

Similarly, deployment variables common across a group of servers can be configured in group_vars. For example, group_vars/staging.yml contains settings common to all servers in the staging group.

Currently, we expect the following variables to be set for each server:

  • newrelic_license_key: Sets the API key for the New Relic account to be used for monitoring
  • newrelic_appname: Sets the prefix to be used in new relic for all apps and plugins.
  • plone_instance_count: Sets the number of plone instances to run on the server (limit 5, the first will not be included in the load balancer and is accessed directly for administrative purposes only)
  • restart_delay: Sets the number of seconds to wait between rolling instance restarts (half the time will be spend waiting after the instance stops and half waiting after the intance starts). Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • cache_preload_urls: url paths (including site path) to load after restarting an instance. This helps prevent slowness after reload by pre-filling the Zope and ZEO caches with frequently used objects.

The Playbooks


Targets: all

Establishes basic user set, generally should be run befor running pleiades.yml for the first time. Only needs to be run to create/update user accounts on the server.


Targets: all

Installs required packages and sets up:

  • Postfix mailer config
  • Plone buildouts for Plone 3 and 4
  • Vaytrou
  • supervisor
  • haproxy
  • varnish
  • Repositories for static websites from pleiades-frontpage and pleiades-api
  • apache (virtualhosts for pleiades.stoa.org, api.pleiades.stoa.org, atlantides.org, and concordia.atlantides.org)
  • Sets server timezone to America/New_York
  • Creates nightly cron jobs for CSV, KML, and sitemap exports (Plone 4)
  • Creates weekly cron job for RDF export (Plone 4)
  • Automated nightly Ubuntu security updates


Targets: all

Updates Plone 4 buildout repo, runs buildout, performs a rolling restart of plone instances with configurable delay. Can only be run after a successful initial server deploy using pleiades.yml.


Targets: all

Closes all ports except 80, 443, 8080. Uses ufw. Only needs to be run to update firewall rules.


Targets: all

Sets up New Relic monitoring for server, along with plugins to monitor Apache, HAProxy and Varnish. New Relic app monitoring setup is done in pleiades.yml and deploy.yml.