Refitter is a CLI tool for generating a C# REST API Client using the Refit library. Refitter can generate the Refit interface from OpenAPI specifications
The tool is packaged as a .NET Tool and is published to You can install the latest version of this tool like this:
dotnet tool install --global Refitter
$ refitter --help
refitter [URL or input file] [OPTIONS]
refitter ./openapi.json
refitter ./openapi.json --namespace "Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode" --output ./GeneratedCode.cs
refitter ./openapi.json --namespace "Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode" --internal
refitter ./openapi.json --output ./IGeneratedCode.cs --interface-only
refitter ./openapi.json --use-api-response
refitter ./openapi.json --cancellation-tokens
refitter ./openapi.json --no-operation-headers
refitter ./openapi.json --use-iso-date-format
[URL or input file] URL or file path to OpenAPI Specification file
-h, --help Prints help information
-n, --namespace GeneratedCode Default namespace to use for generated types
-o, --output Output.cs Path to Output file
--no-auto-generated-header Don't add <auto-generated> header to output file
--interface-only Don't generate contract types
--use-api-response Return Task<IApiResponse<T>> instead of Task<T>
--internal Set the accessibility of the generated types to 'internal'
--cancellation-tokens Use cancellation tokens
--no-operation-headers Don't generate operation headers
--no-logging Don't log errors or collect telemetry
--use-iso-date-format Explicitly format date query string parameters in ISO 8601
standard date format using delimiters (2023-06-15)
To generate code from an OpenAPI specifications file, run the following:
$ refitter [path to OpenAPI spec file] --namespace "[Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode]"
This will generate a file called Output.cs
which contains the Refit interface and contract classes generated using NSwag
Here's an example generated output from the Swagger Petstore example using the default settings
$ refitter ./openapi.json --namespace "Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode"
using Refit;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode
public interface ISwaggerPetstore
/// <summary>
/// Update an existing pet by Id
/// </summary>
Task<Pet> UpdatePet([Body] Pet body);
/// <summary>
/// Add a new pet to the store
/// </summary>
Task<Pet> AddPet([Body] Pet body);
/// <summary>
/// Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
/// </summary>
Task<ICollection<Pet>> FindPetsByStatus([Query] Status? status);
/// <summary>
/// Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
/// </summary>
Task<ICollection<Pet>> FindPetsByTags([Query(CollectionFormat.Multi)] IEnumerable<string> tags);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a single pet
/// </summary>
Task<Pet> GetPetById(long petId);
Task UpdatePetWithForm(long petId, [Query] string name, [Query] string status);
Task DeletePet(long petId, [Header("api_key")] string api_key);
Task<ApiResponse> UploadFile(long petId, [Query] string additionalMetadata, StreamPart body);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a map of status codes to quantities
/// </summary>
Task<IDictionary<string, int>> GetInventory();
/// <summary>
/// Place a new order in the store
/// </summary>
Task<Order> PlaceOrder([Body] Order body);
/// <summary>
/// For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions
/// </summary>
Task<Order> GetOrderById(long orderId);
/// <summary>
/// For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors
/// </summary>
Task DeleteOrder(long orderId);
/// <summary>
/// This can only be done by the logged in user.
/// </summary>
Task CreateUser([Body] User body);
/// <summary>
/// Creates list of users with given input array
/// </summary>
Task<User> CreateUsersWithListInput([Body] IEnumerable<User> body);
Task<string> LoginUser([Query] string username, [Query] string password);
Task LogoutUser();
Task<User> GetUserByName(string username);
/// <summary>
/// This can only be done by the logged in user.
/// </summary>
Task UpdateUser(string username, [Body] User body);
/// <summary>
/// This can only be done by the logged in user.
/// </summary>
Task DeleteUser(string username);
Here's an example generated output from the Swagger Petstore example configured to wrap the return type in IApiResponse<T>
$ refitter ./openapi.json --namespace "Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode" --use-api-response
using Refit;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode.WithApiResponse
public interface ISwaggerPetstore
/// <summary>
/// Update an existing pet by Id
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<Pet>> UpdatePet([Body] Pet body);
/// <summary>
/// Add a new pet to the store
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<Pet>> AddPet([Body] Pet body);
/// <summary>
/// Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<ICollection<Pet>>> FindPetsByStatus([Query] Status? status);
/// <summary>
/// Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<ICollection<Pet>>> FindPetsByTags([Query(CollectionFormat.Multi)] IEnumerable<string> tags);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a single pet
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<Pet>> GetPetById(long petId);
Task UpdatePetWithForm(long petId, [Query] string name, [Query] string status);
Task DeletePet(long petId, [Header("api_key")] string api_key);
Task<IApiResponse<ApiResponse>> UploadFile(long petId, [Query] string additionalMetadata, StreamPart body);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a map of status codes to quantities
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<IDictionary<string, int>>> GetInventory();
/// <summary>
/// Place a new order in the store
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<Order>> PlaceOrder([Body] Order body);
/// <summary>
/// For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<Order>> GetOrderById(long orderId);
/// <summary>
/// For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors
/// </summary>
Task DeleteOrder(long orderId);
/// <summary>
/// This can only be done by the logged in user.
/// </summary>
Task CreateUser([Body] User body);
/// <summary>
/// Creates list of users with given input array
/// </summary>
Task<IApiResponse<User>> CreateUsersWithListInput([Body] IEnumerable<User> body);
Task<IApiResponse<string>> LoginUser([Query] string username, [Query] string password);
Task LogoutUser();
Task<IApiResponse<User>> GetUserByName(string username);
/// <summary>
/// This can only be done by the logged in user.
/// </summary>
Task UpdateUser(string username, [Body] User body);
/// <summary>
/// This can only be done by the logged in user.
/// </summary>
Task DeleteUser(string username);
Here's an example usage of the generated code above
using Refit;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode;
internal class Program
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
var client = RestService.For<ISwaggerPetstore>("");
var pet = await client.GetPetById(1);
Console.WriteLine("## Using Task<T> as return type ##");
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {pet.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"Category: {pet.Category.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"Status: {pet.Status}");
var client2 = RestService.For<WithApiResponse.ISwaggerPetstore>("");
var response = await client2.GetPetById(2);
Console.WriteLine("## Using Task<IApiResponse<T>> as return type ##");
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP Status Code: {response.StatusCode}");
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {response.Content.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"Category: {response.Content.Category.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"Status: {response.Content.Status}");
The RestService
class generates an implementation of ISwaggerPetstore
that uses HttpClient
to make its calls.
The code above when run will output something like this:
## Using Task<T> as return type ##
Name: Gatitotototo
Category: Chaucito
Status: Sold
## Using Task<IApiResponse<T>> as return type ##
HTTP Status Code: OK
Name: Gatitotototo
Category: Chaucito
Status: Sold
Here's an example Minimal API with the Refit.HttpClientFactory
using Refit;
using Your.Namespace.Of.Choice.GeneratedCode;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
.ConfigureHttpClient(c => c.BaseAddress = new Uri(""));
var app = builder.Build();
async (ISwaggerPetstore petstore, long id) =>
return Results.Ok(await petstore.GetPetById(id));
catch (Refit.ApiException e)
return Results.StatusCode((int)e.StatusCode);
.NET Core supports registering the generated ISwaggerPetstore
interface via HttpClientFactory
The following request to the API above
$ curl -X 'GET' 'https://localhost:5001/pet/1' -H 'accept: application/json'
Returns a response that looks something like this:
"id": 1,
"name": "Special_char_owner_!@#$^&()`.testing",
"photoUrls": [
"tags": [],
"status": "Sold"
.NET 6.0 (LTS)
Philip Cox 💻 |
Cameron MacFarland 💻 |
kgame 💻 |
Thomas Pettersen / Yrki 💻 |
1kvin 🐛 |
m7clarke 🐛 |
kirides 🐛 |
guillaumeserale 💻 |
Dennis Brentjes 💻 |
Damian Hickey 🐛 |
richardhu-lmg 🐛 |
brease-colin 🐛 |
angelofb 💻 |
Dim Nogro 💻 |
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