
Collection of scripts to build Qt application in command line environment

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project collects a set of script for building Qt application for Android/iOS in command line environment.

Build Status

Check .travis.yml to see how it works. It will demonstrate how to build a apk file using QT-CI scripts.


Since this project is a collection of script, and the script in bin folder do not have any dependence to each othter. It is not necessary to clone / download the whole repository into your build environmnet. You may just copy the script you need from this repository.


To automaticly install Qt, you can just donwload 2 scripts and give them permition to be executed.

"recipes/install-qt" "bin/extract-qt-installer"

Then just run scritp "recipes/install-qt" with desiered verion of Qt Example:

bash install-qt 5.9.4

Enviroument variables

QT_CI_PACKAGES - packages to install. You can check availble packages if set VERBOSE to 1.


export VERBOSE=1
export QT_CI_PACKAGES=qt,qt.594,qt.594.gcc_64,qt.594.doc.qtvirtualkeyboard


git clone https://github.com/benlau/qtci.git

source qtci/path.env #Add qtci/bin and qtci/recipes to $PATH


(1) bin/extract-qt-installer


    extract-qt-installer qt-installer output_path
    extract-qt-installer --list-packages qt-installer

Extract installer of Qt to target path (for Qt 5.5 or above). If --list-packages is given, it will show the available packages from the installer and terminate immediately.


extract-qt-installer qt-opensource-linux-x64-android-5.5.1.run ~/Qt

Remarks: The installation path must be absolute path

Environment Variables

VERBOSE [Optional] Set to "true" will enable VERBOSE output
QT_CI_PACKAGES [Optional] Select the components to be installed instead of using default (eg. QT_CI_PACKAGES="qt.59.gcc_64")
QT_CI_LOGIN [Optional] The login name 
QT_CI_PASSWORD [Optional] The password of login

(2) bin/extract-ifw

Extract installer of "Qt installer framework" to target path


extract-ifw qt-installer-framework-opensource-1.5.0-x64.run ~/QtIfw

(3) bin/install-android-sdk

Download and install Android SDK


install-android-sdk platform-tool,build-tools-20.0.0,android-19

(4) bin/build-android-gradle-project

Build a Qt Android project and sign the APK


build-android-gradle-project project.pro

Required Environment Variables

QT_HOME [Required] The home directory of installed Qt. (e.g ~/Qt/5.7)
KEYSTORE [Optional] The location of keystore. If it is set, it will be used to sign the created apk
KEYALIAS [Optional] The alias of the keystore
KEYPASS  [Optional] The password of keystore.
    ANDROID_TARGET_SDK_VERSION [Optional] Target Android SDK version. The default value is "19"

(5) bin/increase-android-version-code


increase-android-version-code AndroidManifest.xml

Given a AndroidManifest.xml file, it will increase the value of versionCode field by one.

(6) bin/run-unittests


run-unittests project.pro

Build and run an unit test project in current folder. If qpm.json was found, it will call qpm install first.


In the folder "recipes", it contains a set of script that could download and install specific Qt toolchains for different environment. (Include Android)

Please feel free to modify and submit new recipe.


apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk p7zip

source path.env #Add $PWD/bin and $PWD/recipes to $PATH

#Change to installation path

qt-5.5.1-android-19 # Install Qt 5.5.1 and Android SDK

source qt-5.5.1-android-19.env # Add installed Qt path to $PATH


  1. Continuous distribution for Qt applications on desktop and mobile
  2. Andrew's Articles - Continuous deployment for Qt applications

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  4. benlau/testable - QML Unit Test Utilities
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