IEEE WF-IOT 2015 Tutorial

0. Prerequisites

Recommended Setup (Using a Virtual Machine)

Advanced Setup (Without Using a VM)

Modifications to Vagrant

For this tutorial we need to make a simple modification to the Vagrantfile located in the root directory of RIOT. Please make sure that the RIOT-Tutorial directory is located at the same level as the RIOT directory. Add the following to line 25 of the Vagrantfile:

config.vm.synced_folder "../RIOT-Tutorial", "/home/vagrant/RIOT-Tutorial"

If you have started the VM before, then you need to issue a vagrant reload in order for the change to take effect.

1. Running RIOT on Native

  1. Run git checkout -f task_1

  2. First, we need to setup the necessary virtual network interface tap0:

    sudo ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap user ${USER}
    sudo ip link set tap0 up
  3. Change into the application directory of this repository and run the following command:

    make all term
  4. Run help to see a list of all available commands.

    > help
    Command              Description
    reboot               Reboot the node
    ps                   Prints information about running threads.
    ping6                Ping via ICMPv6
    random_init          initializes the PRNG
    random_get           returns 32 bit of pseudo randomness
    ifconfig             Configure network interfaces
    txtsnd               send raw data
    ncache               manage neighbor cache by hand
    routers              IPv6 default router list
  5. Run ifconfig to see the configured network interfaces and additional information.

    > ifconfig
    Iface  4   HWaddr: 4a:ba:26:52:88:dd
               MTU:1500  HL:64  RTR  RTR_ADV
               Source address length: 6
               Link type: wired
               inet6 addr: ff02::1/128  scope: local [multicast]
               inet6 addr: fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dd/64  scope: local
               inet6 addr: ff02::1:ff52:88dd/128  scope: local [multicast]
               inet6 addr: ff02::2/128  scope: local [multicast]
  6. Copy the link-local address of the RIOT node (prefixed with fe80, without the /64) and try to ping it from your host machine.

    ping6 fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dd%tap0

    If this notation does not work, then try the following command:

    ping6 -I tap0 fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dd

    It is necessary for link-local addresses to specify the desired interface.

  7. Lookup the link-local address of your tap0 interface on your host machine:

    > ip addr show dev tap0
    14: tap0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 500
        link/ether 4a:ba:26:52:88:dc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet6 fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dc/64 scope link
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    Copy this link-local address (again, without /64) and call the following command from within the RIOT shell:

    > ping6 fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dc
    ping6 fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dc
    12 bytes from fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dc: id=84 seq=1 hop limit=64 time = 0.218 ms
    12 bytes from fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dc: id=84 seq=2 hop limit=64 time = 0.234 ms
    12 bytes from fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dc: id=84 seq=3 hop limit=64 time = 0.218 ms
    --- fe80::48ba:26ff:fe52:88dc ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2.061141 s
    rtt min/avg/max = 0.218/0.223/0.234 ms
  8. (Optional) Create a second tap interface (tap1) and start the second instance of RIOT with the environment variable PORT=tap1. Now you can try to ping between two RIOT instances.

2. Running RIOT on Real Hardware (samr21-xpro)

  1. Get to know your hardware


    Family ARM Cortex-M0+
    Vendor Atmel
    RAM 32Kb
    Flash 256Kb
    Frequency up to 48MHz
    FPU no
    Timers 6 (1x 16-bit, 2x 24-bit, 3x 32-bit)
    ADCs 1x 12-bit (8 channels)
    UARTs / SPIs / I2Cs max 5 (shared)
    Vcc 1.8V - 3.6V
  2. Run git checkout -f task_2

  3. To compile an application for a specific board, we can make use of the BOARD environment variable.

    BOARD=samr21-xpro make all flash term

    This command will compile the application, burn the image onto the samr21-xpro and open a connection to the RIOT shell.

  4. Find out the link-local address that is configured on the radio interface with ifconfig.

  5. Ask your neighbors for their link-local addresses and use the ping6 command to ping other nodes. You can specify the amount of ping requests, the delay for each ping request and the payload length.

    ping6 10 <IPv6-address> 0 0

    This will send 10 ping requests to the specified IPv6 address with 0 delay and no payload.

3. Writing a Custom Shell Command

  1. Run git checkout -f task_3

  2. Add a function with the following signature to main.c:

    int cmd_func(int argc, char **argv);

    As an example, you can implement this function to print out a certain string by using printf(); or puts();. You could also turn the onboard LED on with LED_ON; and turn it off with LED_OFF;. Any parameters following the shell command in the RIOT shell are accessible from the argv variable. argc contains the number of parameters used to call this shell command plus one for the name of the command. If you are using LED_ON; or LED_OFF; then you need to include the file board.h.

    Your function must return 0 if it runs successfully and -1 if an error occurs.

  3. Add your function to the shell_commands array:

    static const shell_command_t shell_commands[] = {
        { "command", "command description", cmd_func },
        { NULL, NULL, NULL }
  4. Flash the modified code to your board and test your new shell command.

    BOARD=samr21-xpro make all flash term

    You can verify with help if your command was picked up by the shell handler. Call your shell command and observe the output.

  5. Run git checkout -f task_3_solution to see one of many solutions. Keep in mind that all changes that you made to the working directory will be discarded when running this command.

  6. (Optional) Have a peek at RIOT's shell commands in /sys/shell/commands.

4. Adding a CoAP End-Point

  1. Run git checkout -f task_4

  2. CoAP is a web transfer protocol with very similar features to HTTP. In fact, CoAP was designed to translate easyily to HTTP, but still meets necessary requirements to operate with constrained devices in constrained networks. In order to provide a new service that can be requested from a CoAP client, we need to take three steps:

    • add a new callback function that is called whenever the service is requested. This callback function determines the content of the response.
    • add an end-point path. This basically resembles an URI that we need to link to the new callback function.
    • add a new end-point. This is the structure that links the new callback function and the URI together.
  3. In order to add a new CoAP end-point we first need to create a callback function in main.c. Have a look at the handle_get_riot_board() function. It is necessary that your function implements the same signature and returns the same values as handle_get_riot_board(). In your new callback function, modify response so that it includes the status of the LED.

  4. Add an end-point path that represents your new callback function. You can chain several strings together like it was done for path_riot_board. These strings will resemble the url that is used to call your new callback. For example, path_riot_board: { "riot", "board" } becomes riot/board.

  5. Add the new end-point. Use COAP_METHOD_GET as the request type and link to your custom callback function and end-point path. Use 0 for the content type (ct=0).

  6. Flash the binary of your solution to the hardware:

    BOARD=samr21-xpro make all flash term
  7. Approach the instructor and announce your global IPv6 address (not beginning with fe80). The instructor will then do a CoAP request in order to verify your solution.

  8. Run git checkout -f task_4_solution to see one of many solutions. Keep in mind that all changes that you made to the working directory will be discarded when running this command.

5. Control LED of a Neighbor's Board remoteley

  1. Run git checkout -f task_5

  2. This task uses posix sockets in order to drive a simple UDP server and client application. The advantage of using posix sockets is their portability onto other systems that implement the posix API. Have a look at udp.c and also at the new shell command declared in main.c to send a UDP message directly from the shell. Give it a try: send a message to your neighbor's IPv6 address with the command udp <IPv6-address> <msg>.

  3. The current implementation of the UDP server prints out the received message. Change this behavior in udp.c to check the incoming message and react appropriately. Turn the LED on if you receive on and turn the LED off if you receive off. Do not forget to mirror the changes to the led_status variable.

  4. Test your implementation with the global IPv6 address of your neighbor's node.

  5. The instructor can then again verify with a CoAP request that your program successfully controlled your neighbor's node remotely.

  6. Run git checkout -f task_5_solution to see one of many solutions. Keep in mind that all changes that you made to the working directory will be discarded when running this command.